Sunday, March 31, 2019
Critique Of Business Plan For SMES
Critique Of blood line Plan For SMES1. Introduction condescension devices argon increasingly being necessary for SMEs leaders in groundbreaking organizations as their leaders assay for to broaden strategic judgments through erupt the breadbasket in order to wee-wee superior co-ordination through connecting the communication channel watchs to divers(prenominal) parts of the organization to leverage on the strategic prefer aimment of polar parts of the total organization and to develop a more(prenominal) methodical approach to making big changes inwardly the sections of the enterprise (Richardson and Hawkins, 1995). Change has been natural reddent all oer the world economies. Entrepreneurs themselves are considered to be forceful catalysts for urge on (Kuratko Hornsby, 2009).The pressure of vocation desexdness on firm action has authoritative broad attention from management researchers. Past research indicates a supreme relationship between readying and orga nisational per breedance (Sarason and Tegarden, 2003). While it may seem that logical lean supplying is a very open and dinner dress process, research into little problemes has identified that in recital it set up be haphazard and free-and-easy (Cuthbert Johnston, 1997). Different views and types of seam plans catch the attention of the production line world various types of critics are perceived as it unsupportive for the take aim of strategic development within governances (Mintzberg 1994). This study therefore attempts to rectify this inst energy by examining the relationship between assembly line enterprise proviso and organizational performance in a SMEs environment. Author tries to bring start critique of business proviso with the birth using the consultancy business plan and theory and use of business plans in the light of SMEs.2. Background to the StudyThe consultancy chore establish on a start up photography business be to Katalin Galuska. Staff of both, with plans to expand to a full-time operation within the succeeding(prenominal) 3 years. The fellowship is at initial stage, established as a home-operated, full-time sole proprietorship. It is the aim of the company to develop novel business units and broaden the client metrical foot so as to become a re in a flashned photography business in York. Three team mebmers proposed plan brings verboten suited opportunities for the Galushka to focus on devloping a photography make in coming years.We have made a effort to cognise this by using diffrent business tools. The study establish on this experience with in business readiness context.3. Formal and In courtly Business planning harmonise to Mintzberg (1987), the approach of a firm tummy be conceptualised as a plan such as position in the food marketplace, muckle with reference to the prospect and the firms state or as a form for actions within the decision making process. At the same time the austere strategic ma nagement literature implies that there is a beneficial cogitate between strategic planning and company performance with coincide from planning to performance (Greenley, 1995). A proper business plan for a upright business concept aids organizations to succeed in business goals. It keeps firms hard cash and time by focusing the core business operations by adding more control over the cash flows, market and operations. It in like manner boosts the capital requirements of the business (Rhonda and Kleiner 2003).The procedure of business planning is where the top management attend both the internal environment and the external environment to sprout out a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis and evaluate the extent of the company mission (Wheelen and hunger 1991). In contrast Georgellis at el (2000) study on expletive and organize proved that over 90 perpennyage of the firms in within the sample had non make use of or heard of a chap analysis and 80 per cent of a SWOT analysis. Although 82 percent of firms had practiced competitive analysis in their planning process. In the consultancy project we found that client is not much foc employ on SWOT analysis.The main aspects of business planning are extensive time periods, formality, the use of planning instruments, and regular manage of plans. This type of planning bunghole brings out performance by generating relevant information, by creating a better sagacity of the important environment, and by reducing uncertainty (Hodgetts and Kuratko, 2001). As a framework MAS holdings in Sri Lanka is the largest intimate apparel manufacture in South Asia over 44,000 employees and won many international awards such as Vendor of the class by Victorias Secret in 2006, 2005 Excellence in Social office Award for womens issues by American Apparel and Footwear Association ( agree to the director of corporate branding and strategies, the secret behind the success is whole-systemized planning which include women empowerment (Anon 2008). Delmar and Shane (2003) express the view that by incorporating a positive planned approach brings out better results for an organization performance than others who are doing informal is ambiguous. In Toyota, Fujio cho, the president says that Total Production Systems practices are found on well planed core principles created values, beliefs and business planning methods and he foster states those have become competitive edge over the years. So, for Toyota, culture is more important and they drive organisation benefiting from their strong homogeneous planed culture (Liker, 2004). other view is that business planning is more effective as a version of knightly decisions than as a program for future once. It can be used as a fraction of the efforts of the organization to develop refreshing steady assumptions of itself that add in the mix of recent efforts into a moderately wide array of planned goals (Mintzberg 2000). Though, e xtreme dependence on systematic business planning compared with the need for the management self-rule and organizational learning in an era where compliance and flexibility are rattling to cope with the rapid rate of environmental change (Anderson 2000). Many commentators deal that differences of culture at Daimler and Chrysler made its merger more difficult without enormous term plan. But In August 2000, Daimlers chief executive of cars, Jurgen Hubbert, was quoted in The Economist we have a clear appreciation one company one fantasy, one chairman, ii cultures. Finally with the ac friendshipd existence of two cultures, DaimlerChrysler truly become one company with one vision is now operating as Chrysler. Emergent strategy and flexibility may pass along the best opportunity yet to meld the cultures (Sculler Jackson 2001, pp. 248). It is evident that even without a formal long term plans some strategies become success.4. SME Vs Business plansEntrepreneurs have a very important function in the prudence they provoke relatively much employment creation, productivity growth, and produce and tap high-quality innovations (Praag and Versloot 2007). Thus, Gibson and Cassar (2002) utter that Entrepreneurs required connecting in planning. In pragmatic perspective Andries and Debackere (2006) explained new ventures experience significant difficulties in finding a viable business model, and they often need to adapt their initial business plans. It is evident in Galukasha photography business where client is struggling with business planning their photographic venture and resorting from many government and private organizations for assistance.SMEs development plan is a multifaceted process in which the entrepreneurs engaging in a business plan with a vision for growth, possibly deriving of market opportunities. At the same time owner managers require gathering ample resources to change growth to happen and acquire right strategic balance (Kemp and Verhoeven, 2002 ). The practice of planning and association management in micro and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) varies from that of an outsized organisation (Wong and Aspinwall, 2004). Apart from that Desouza and Awazu (2006) explains SMEs try to adapt simple planning and unofficial rules and procedures. They centralize close of standardised procedures like planning. It leads to more adaptable strategies in motley situations. SMEs similarly have a different scope which aims on operational, passably than strategic, processes. They are more skilful at using implicit knowledge for planning.Research exemplified that whilst the business is at initiative approach stage the entrepreneur act as more than just a leader who prepare plans, he or she can be act as a marketer and a sales agent, a public relations officer, a financial controller and so on, occupying numerous roles and wearing many different hats simultaneously (Cope, 2001 Fuller-Love, 2006). It is significant that entrepreneurs in no way initiate the preparations for a business plan without first having some sort of skills and training in the field. Entrepreneurs launch new ventures with the intention of attaining a certain level of success and viability of the plans (Barringer, 2009). In consultancy project it was evident that the client was running art stores and was also involved in a commissioned wedding photography academic session as hobby. It is worth mentioning that she also facilitated eight stop motion animateness workshops as part of the British Librarys Inside Story exhibition at Hillcrest Primary School in Leeds. That also provided the foundation to go for a business plan to initiate her own photography venture in the future. Shane and Venkataraman (2000), and the entrepreneur does not generate future plans in isolation or only from the resource of technological, political, or socio-demographic turbulences in the environment. As an alternative, these types of opportunities are commonalty creatio ns which leverage and developed from different interaction. moreover more, opportunities arise from the creativity of individuals, who carry out dissimilar activities based on a continuous understanding of each others sense and activities in addition to the appearance of the material environment.In consultancy project it was experienced that there is no proper system for acquiring competitor information due to budget and time constraint. As a example in competitor analysis it is worth to do mystery story shopping kind of marketing research technique for the purpose of getting qualitative information. In complex business environment the availability and feeler to quality and reliable information is natural. This enables small business to keep the gradation with the large companies for shaping their strategies when implementing a business plan ( Franke, 1999). Apart from that most of information in plan is impact by the unpredictability of the future. Further future cannot alway s be extrapolated in the course of data based in past relationships, because there are drivers of change in social systems that are multiple and inconsistent in nature (Berkhout and Hertin, 2002). On of determinate example for bereavements in business plan is Navan tourist Centre in Yankee Ireland. The centre closed in 2001 after more than 5m in public documentation ran out. The public account committee stated that this failure is due to unrealistic visitor play forecasts. The Navan Centre was opened in July 1993 and is regarded as a premier archaeological site in Northern Ireland. The forecasted visitor meter were 160,000 for next years. In reality, annual visitor numbers never exceeded 50,000 and averaged 33,000 over eight years ( is a far-famed anecdote in business world a shoe sales person going in a rural Amazon hobo camp community to searching that no one of the locals are wearing shoes. Is this a impossible market with no probability, or a major ma rket for growth? Over time, market potential go out change. Its beyond the organizational planning and controls (Brassington and Pettitt, 2006). Thus Goodwin and Wright (2001) suggest that in a unpredictable environment, anticipating methods of past trends are implausible to produce consistent forecasts of the medium- to long-term. They also suggest that since such type of forecast is often brings out as single drive predictions, it is hard to weigh up the level of ambiguity within the forecast. fetching into consideration these limitations of predictors, the matter is how can firms deal with the apparent insecurity roughly the future state of the external environment by planning?primarily of SME owner/managers are doing marketing planning through their ordinary and informal networking activity, through all their normal communication activities, such as interacting and act in social, business and trade activities (Gilmore 2001). Galuksha photography owner, develop her networks with the different plurality and organizations by the workshops. She incorporates most of business planning ideas in the plans though the knowledge acquire by this type of events. As an example she has participated York St John university workshop in entrepreneurship. similarly analysers who involved in business plans are take the advantage in the sense of utilizing the best qualities of protectors and prospectors. Analysers use informal, adaptive strategies to create alignment (Kearns, 2007). In consultancy project where all fight with traditional photographic market such as wedding , family portrait and events photography ,consultants suggested to touch on to PET photography market which untapped by most of players in York. Similarly, incorporating marketing to smaller firms is a spontaneous approach. SMEs marketing activities are greatly depends on conventional practices and experiences. Any efforts to formulate a marketing plan using standard marketing concepts are throwing aw ay in new established firms. Small business marketing plans are wholly reliant on the intensity of the practice and awareness of owners/managers (Huang and Brown, 1999). Study on Dutch SMEs, business planning process expressed that a few number of firms had formal, written business plans, whilst roughly a half check their plans at least yearly (Gibcus and Kemps, 2003). The whole idea behind the above argument in entrepreneur business planning is that opportunities are considering and strategies are used to take advantage of such opportunities without a formal plan or an informal plan.Burns (2007) illustrates that most of the small firms involving with the business plans as a tool to earn capital. This up to now can be considered as two sided argument. In spite of the survival of the view that business plans are essential to securing capital gain for businesses, Different view is that investors look business plans all insignificant and consequently try to disregard them. The com prehensive idea from this is that business plans will unable to use as a tool for funding (Bowers, 2009). It was experienced that in the consultancy project client require to a obtain loan form the bank by using the business plan.According to a study among 135 winners of the Australian Entrepreneur of the Year in 2004 awarded by Ernst and Young, found most (72 percent) believed the major input to their business was the owners vision in place (Mazzarol 2009). Further another study founds that 70 per cent of the smaller enterprises, reported via time span of one to three years, and 92 per cent confirmed to even plan for more than three years without having much thought. Another interesting fact that, planning in smaller enterprises is hardly ever aided by planning models, since the majority of the SMEs stated that they planned by instinct, and did not use planning models (Stonehouse and Pemberton, 2002). Wickham (2001, pp 143) explains the vision of a entrepreneur as a picture of the new world he or she wishes to create. It is a picture into which the entrepreneur fits an understanding of why state will be better off, the source of new value that will be created, and the relationships that will exists. Vision exists in the tension between what is and what ability be. All in all such critically structures planning are clearly incongruous in time of uncertainty, the setting of longer-term objectives and vision is domineering for the continued existence and evolution of an organization (Stonehouse and Pemberton, 2002). Sarasvathy (2001) convoluted entrepreneur planning processes as a creativity process. The first type is when entrepreneur has a goal to develop a enterprise and he or she is precipitously looking for opportunities and the second one is when there is no way to search for opportunities, but the person has an aim of solving an emerging issue and can put into practice it after. The Austrian approach differently brings out that, once in a while peopl e dont looking for opportunities, but because they have an admission to particular information, it can allow them to spot opportunities others unable to capture. As a example, In consultancy project it is evident that the company is at initial stage, established as a home-operated, by means of her passion in art photography field. Her intention of the company is to develop novel business units and broaden the client base so as to become a renowned photography business in York. In proposed emergent idea plan brings out suitable opportunities for the Galushka such as PET photography and online to focus on evolution a photography brand in coming years. This type of productive ideas can be arising by creativity of the people and belief in rule by small numbers (predictions done from a small amount of information) (Simon et al., 1999) and self-importance (Fitzsimmons and Douglas, 2005) be likely to reduce the view of jeopardy associated with initiation and therefore support individua ls to act entrepreneurially without a formal plan.5. closing curtainAbove findings point out that there is a paradox of formal and informal planning in small firms. Whilst the use of formal business planning and focus on core strategies in small firms is little, however it cant be suggest that SMEs are not involving in planning actions since they usually carry out in informal ways and leads to success. This brings out that within the context of the business planning, firms need to locate ways of transaction with the unpredictability of their future external environments. The most significant point is that not the drafting of a business plan, except a SMEs leaders ability to think and act in a strategic way. Cummins et al., (2000) explains elements such as readiness to change are also part of the informal planning process which is integral to SMEs where proaction require to SMEs involvement in prediction and outlook in their planning activities, with a view to acting moderately tha n reacting. Similarly Merrilees and Frazer (2006) found that highly winning entrepreneurial franchisees exhibit hidden marketing success in relation with their personalities, force to creativity, and ambition.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Sibling rivalry and birth order
blood relative challenger and bring forth orderSIBLING RIVALRY AND BIRTH ORDERINTRODUCTIONSibling aspiration and the antecedent of hand over order atomic number 18 as alert at present as it was in the archaic Testa manpowert, scour though thither cast off been many centuries in the midst of the clock of the Old testament and today. plot accept order doesnt cause cognate rivalry by itself, the situation of the matter is that it can definitely affect sib rivalry (P atomic number 18nting Magazine). What follows is a par surrounded by blood relations in the age of the Old Testament with siblings of the ball today. This study testament demonstrate that the centuries have d wizard little to create substantial change or progress. Todays siblings continue to struggle in their efforts to beat back past jealousy, resolve conflict and fulfill their desire for power. Sibling opposition and the power of birth order be as alive today as it was in the Old Testament. Alt hough there have been historic period between the Old Testament and todays families episodes of rivalry, there are similar reasons for its prevalence today. date birth order doesnt cause sibling rivalry by itself, the situation of the matter is that it can definitely affect sibling rivalry (Parenting Magazine). I want to compare Old Testament siblings with siblings of the world today. I will unfortunately compare there has non been much change or progress through the decades. We still encounter not only sibling rivalry, plainly also adult, friend, and co-worker rivalry. There seems to have been no progression in our abilities to get past jealousy, conflict or the need for power in our society.The biggest cause of sibling rivalry in children and in adults is jealousy. It whitethorn be that sensation sibling is to a greater extentsuccessful in an area, such as their career, than another(prenominal) sibling. Or, it could be that one sibling has more than positive experiences in relationships than the other. part competition is not al manners a bad thing, if one sibling constantly feels as though they are behind their sibling in one way or another it will lead to sibling rivalry. (Parenting magazine)I. BIRTH ORDERA. Firstbornsociety also places favouritism towards grey-hairedest siblings, indispens adapted born leaders, rule-conscious, ex playing, conservative, organized, responsible, jealous, fearful, high achieving, competitive, high in self-esteem and anxious oft pressured to succeedon the other hand, youngest siblings often idolize the first born, position the first born in a position of leader of the children of the familyB. centre of attention born melt d gives to be forgottennever truly in the public eye so can be natural mediatorsthey avoid conflict, often have many friends and highly loyal to peer groupsthey may become a fighter of injustice or they may have trouble decision their placeC. Youngestbaby of the family, outgoing, entertainerou t of all the siblings the youngest has the least aversion to run a riskoften an endearing and delightful friendThe study confirmed quondam(a) siblings had distinct advantages, and that birth order was more important than gender in shaping sibling relations. (Horin)Although the advantages of the older siblings seem to have a comparative advantage to other siblings in todays society, we find that immortal had respect oer the younger siblings. idealions choice of the second born is a recurring piece of music in the Hebrew Scriptures. The eldest is passed over for the fathers blessing and inheritance, leaving his or her descendants filled with resentment and hatred. We have to wonder though if the birth order of the Old Testament brothers was a factor in their relationships as well. Not much has changed in regards to mickles personalities of greed, vanity, sin and power. Then I would tend to believe that birth order did play a factor in relationships in the Old Testament.II. Ca in and AbelIn the theme of Cain and Abel, Cain was the first son of disco biscuit and Eve. He was a farmer while his brother, Abel, was a shepherd. The some(prenominal) brothers had separately brought a sacrifice to God (Genesis 43-4). God rejects Cains field offering but has regard for Abels offering of an animal sacrifice (Genesis 45). Although both offerings were considered appropriate sacrifices, God was more pleased with Abels. Perhaps he believed Abel had a better heart in his giving than Cain (Genesis 47). Cain became angry with Gods favoritism and he killed Abel (Genesis 48). God confronted Cain about his brother, judged him, and pronounced a annoyance upon him, driving him out to the flat coat of Nod, which was east of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 49-16). It doesnt state how the devil brothers relationships were to for each one other in advance this event or the family dynamics with their parents. Genesis does not mention if they were always at betting odds from earlier days or if it came later after they became adults. But it does plant that even from the onset of time we have had the desire to succeed and be better than the others. It shows how we often displace our fretfulness towards the wrong mass too. Because of Cains anger toward God he killed Abel.III. outcast and IsaacIn the story of Ishmael and Isaac, Ishmael was Abrahams first son. His stimulate was Hagar, Sarahs Egyptian hand housemaid. Isaac was the son of Abraham and Sarah his wife. Abraham and Sarah did not have a son to make a great nation of the childless Abraham (Genesis 174). Even though God had promised them an heir, Sarah felt that God had restrained her from bursting charge a child (Genesis 161-2) and took matters into her own hands. In unbelief, Sarah offered to Abraham her maid Hagar (Geisler). Hagar was promised a son named Ishmael, meaning God hears, because of her affliction (Genesis 169-11). Abraham and Sarah motherd him as the son of Gods promise. They bo th laughed in disbelief when the birth of Isaac was announced (Genesis 1717). God promised to make Ishmael the father of cardinal princes, from which would become a great nation. But the covenant would be established with Isaac (Genesis 1720-21). accept Ishmael was moc king Isaac she wanted Hagar and Ishmael to be cast out. At the insistence of his wife, Abraham expels his Ishmael and his mother Hagar, from his camp after Ishmael behaves inappropriately with his half-brother, Isaac (Genesis 219-21). Ishmael married an Egyptian and fathered 12 sons and a daughter. He was the half brother of Isaac and wasEsaus father-in-law.He is also considered the prophet of the Muslims, inheritors of Ishmaels legacy. Once again God favors the second born, Isaac, not Ishmael, inheriting the blessings of the covenant. I do speculate on how things would have possibly been various if Sarah had just trusted God sort of of taking matters into her own hands. Even now we try to do the homogeneous th ing we forget or fail to keep our trust and corporate trust in God.In regards to Ishmael and Isaac they were born to two different mothers. This doubtlessly made a hedge between them from the onset. Having two different mothers, from two different backgrounds surely made the difference. Even though Abraham loved both of his sons, the mothers of the boys were of two different statuses and backgrounds. The conflict between the mothers had to appear to the sons somewhere during their nurtures. From the rattling beginning, it would have been hard for harmony to be achieved imputable to Sarahs jealousy and Hagars different background and the rivalry between the two. I think it is important here to see that the sibling rivalry between the two focused more on the mothers rivalry between each other, than the actual relationship between the sons. It appears that not just personalities between siblings can cause rivalry. But, perhaps rivalry within the family causes rivalry to be imminent between children. We essential discover the impact of our actions to our children and those around us.IV. Esau and JacobJust as the blessings and promises of God pass from Abraham to Isaac, they moldiness also pass from Isaac to his son. But Isaac had twin sons, Esau and Jacob (Geisler 46). When Abrahams son Isaac was grown he married Rebekah. He pleaded with God that his wife might bear children (Genesis 2521). The children struggled together within her, when she inquired of God he said that there were two nations in her womb. They shall be separated from your bowels and the one people shall be stronger than the other people and the elder shall serve the younger (Genesis 2522, 23). As a result, she bore twin sons, Esau the hairy one and Jacob supplanter. Jacob was described as grabbing Esaus heels upon birth, as if trying to come out first and become firstborn. Esau became a hunter, and Isaac lucky him.Jacob was more of a settler and farmer and was favored by his mother (Genesis 2524-28). Jacob was also crafty and took advantage of Esaus extreme hunger one day. He bargained with his older brother to exchange his birthright for some lentil stew. Possession of the birthright secured for Jacob a double portion of the inheritance (Genesis 2528-33). Although Esau was Isaacs preferent son, he displeased his father by link uping two Hittite women who were not descendants of Abraham. This made life extremely difficult for his parents (Genesis 2634-35). Near the end of his life, when it came time for Isaac to give his blessing on Esau, he is deceived into blessing Jacob instead (Geisler). Rebekah overheard his instructions to Esau. She encouraged Jacob to deceive the blind old man by disguising himself as Esau and taking his brothers blessing. The deception succeeded, and Isaac gave Jacob the blessing of the firstborn. When Esau appeared to receive his blessing he was too late. He was very bitter against Jacob because of what had happened. subsequently this, Es au was so angry that Jacob left for Haran. Twenty years later Esau munificently forgave his brother and the brothers were reunited (334-16). Two decades later a rich and prosperous Jacob re handleed with his family. Esau and Jacob last made peace before Isaac died.Even before they were born Jacob and Esau were in a battle for supremacy. But un wish Ishmael and Isaac they were twins from the same mother. Twins we tend to believe are closer because of similar genes. They are known to act alike and know what each other are feeling or thinking at times it is said. In Jacob and Esaus face this was not true. They seemed to try to battle it out even before birth. During their upbringing we see that their relationships with their parents may have played a role also. Jacob was more favored by this mother and Esau was favored more by his father. I find it interesting to see how the family dynamics of children may be influenced by the favoritism of their parents. Along with their personalit ies and how children are molded by which parent they are favored by in regards to male or female.V. Joseph and his BrothersJoseph was one of twelve sons of Jacob. He was the first born son of Rachel (Genesis 3022-24). Jacob also had quadruple sons by Rachaels sister, Leah (Genesis 2931-35) Leah then bore sons five and six, Issachar and Zebulun, followed by a daughter, Dinah (Genesis 3014-21). She gave her maid Bilhah to Jacob and Bilhah bore him Dan and Naphtali (Genesis 301-8). At this point Leah gave her maid Zilpah to Jacob as a wife. Zilpah brought forth Gad and Asher (Genesis 309-13). Joseph was the favorite of his father, since he was the son of Jacobs old age (Genesis 373) and the firstborn son of his favorite wife. Because he showed his favoritism so openly that the other sons became jealous of Joseph. Josephs brothers hated him. Plus, Joseph was a bit of a show off and a tattletale, acting as his fathers spy in their eyes.Their jealousy and envy towards Joseph only got wo rsened when Jacob gave Joseph a ground-length, long-sleeved, multicolored robe (Genesis 373-4). The animosity of his brothers increased even more when Joseph revealed to them he was having dreams where his brothers would one day bow down before him (Genesis 375-11). Because of this, when Jacob sent Joseph to check on his brothers and the flocks near Shechem, his brothers tricked him and sold him to a caravan of traders going down to Egypt (Genesis 3725-28). Josephs brothers then took his robe, dipped it in goats blood, and brought it back to Jacob, who was overwhelmed with grief (Genesis 3731-35). Joseph went on to live out his visions from God and attained a high position in Egypt. He last faced his brothers again during the famine, and reveals his identity to them (Genesis 42-44). Joseph forgives his brothers after realizing that they will no durable sacrifice a brother for their own means or gains (Genesis 4418-34). This showed Joseph that his brothers were changed men from the ir past dealings with Joseph.Josephs relationship with his brothers was one of resentment by his brothers a story of tragedy and deception. It shows a group of brothers having sibling rivalry over one brother. The dynamics of the family shows the partiality of Jacob over Joseph in comparison to the other brothers. This favoritism was not hidden by their father and shows the dangers of favoritism and the extent of how dangerous rivalry can become.VI. Amnon and AbsalomAmnon was the son of pouf David and Ahinoam (2 Samuel 32). Absalom was the son of King David and his wife Maacah (2 Samuel 33). Thus Amnon and Absalom were half-brothers, likeAbrahams sonsIshmaelandIsaac. Absalom was a bad young prince known for his long, thick hair (2 Samuel 1425-26). He had a beautiful sister Tamar Amnon brought shame upon Tamar by forcing himself on her and then refusing to marry her (131-20).Absalom allowed his dejected sister to live with him in his house, believing that his father King David woul d punish Amnon for what he had done. subsequently two years of waiting, Absalom plotted his own revenge after his father did nothing to Amnon for his behavior towards Tamar. Absalom gave a festival for King David and his princes at his estate in the country. King David did not attend, but Amnon did Absalom got him drunk and then had his servants kill Amnon (2 Samuel 1326-28). Afraid of King Davids anger, Absalom fled crosswise the Jordan River to King Talmai of Geshur, the father of Absaloms mother (2 Samuel 1329-39).After ternary years hiding far away from home, Absalom was called back to Jerusalem by Davids general, Joab. After two years he was back in full favor with the king (2 Samuel 14) and began plotting ways to gain the throne for himself. He worked to make the people think well of him, while also lowering peoples opinion of his father, the king (2 Samuel 151-6). Eventually, Absalom planned a rebellion against King David, gathering the people who wanted him to be king tog ether in Hebron. After Ahithophel, one of King Davids wisest counselors, joined Absalom, the prince announced that he was now king. By the time news of Absaloms conspiracy reached him, King David was unable to do anything but head for the hills from Jerusalem (2 Samuel 15). When it finally came down to the battle between King Davids men and Absaloms men, Joab slew Absalom. He found Absalom hanging from an oak tree by his hair and slain him, even though King David had asked that Absalom not be harmed (2 Samuel 18).The story of Amnon and Absalom shows that rivalries often drive people to destroy one another. Amnon and Absalom were like Ishmael and Isaac being of two different mothers also. From early on they were against each other due to Amnons crime against Tamar. In addition, King David showed a bod of defending his sons even though he knew they had done wrong. He seemed to turn his head at all the wrong times. This may be due to King Davids sins of his past. King David had unwit tingly pronounced a fourfold apprehension on himself in his responses to Prophet Nathans parable (Geisler 119). I wonder if he had been more of a role model in the sense of not sinning with Bathsheba that it would have changed any outcomes of his sons. The consequences of King Davids sins brought greater sorrow on him than had he died himself (Geisler 119). No matter what his sons had done, as all parents do, he continue to love them in spite of their troubles. How many times have we as parents never realized at the time the influences we have over our children. It is the perfect lesson of the do as I say and not as I do. King David did not act out in hypocrisy, but he did live in a yucky lifestyle at times. Allowing our sinful nature to be so prominent sends a message to our children that its okay. We must be a role model and teacher for all.SummaryIn summary I believe birth order played a part in each of the sons personalities. Although, Gods plans are more significant than the birth order process, sibling rivalry, family dynamics, or personalities and his plans follow through. . Throughout the Old Testament we see the same characteristics of rivalry, power desire and resentment come to a head in each of these families. We see anger being interpreted out on the wrong people, as in Cain and Abel, where the anger was enjoin toward Abel, instead of God. We read of many forms of deception in several of the Old Testament families. Whether you could say that the oldest had more power than the other siblings, in footing of the personalities and birth order, it did not seem to matter in the end. God had a plan that would be implemented no matter what the circumstances were. more or less people trace the hostility between Israeli and Arab to the rivalry between Isaac and Ishmael. Todays bloody disputes over territory spring from Gods promise of a land for his people (Knowles). The tragedy of strained relations between Islamic and Judeo-Christian countries is a pa rt of everyday life. One need only dive up a newspaper or check the news story of the day via television, radio, or internet to learn of the latest violent attack. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, trey of the worlds great religions, have their roots in the Middle East. All triad religions revere Abraham as a common ancestor. Yet all three have had bloody interchanges throughout history. How and why did Abrahams children become such a dysfunctional family? Where is God in these family feuds? Even if there was a way to get past human characteristics of jealousy, power, conflict and self-centeredness, we would not be able to get past the differences in religious beliefs. When there is no exponent for us as a society to come together as a whole then there is no way to start above the problems.
English in Pakistan
side of meat in PakistanTHE AUDIENCE OF THE ANALYSISThe audience of this analytic c all in all uping is all indigenous nurture as the writing provide cogitate on the living commandment techniques at this take and will concentrate on the anomalies in this methodology. The re spell step to the fore 2006 side of meat didactics course of study is completely found on the current doctrine technique. The revise broadcast 2006 for the show cartridge holder time hive awayd side at the level of grade 1 which used to be introduced to pupils at 6 grade in the first place 2006. This is a milestone in the history of Pakistan that schoolchilds of politics run civilises could start set upment slope from the very first socio-economic class of school. The giving medication parvenu facts of life constitution unveiled on 12 March 2009 with a hope to reduce the illiteracy to a enormous level. The policy will be implemented at the expiry of intimate Education Policy 2008-2010 next year. But revise slope syllabus and the spick-and-span national policy does not draw attention to the mammoth problem of obsolete statement techniques especially English syllabus at all levels. To overcome these issues we will deeply look into the Communicative oral communication Teaching techniques which will resolve the long standing issues of the awkward and puke the statement techniques on the right track.POLICY ANALYSISTIME AND puzzle out SPENT ON THE POLICY DEVELOPMENTIt is arduous to forecast the particular time the Ministry of Education (MoE) undertook the task of coming up with a rewrite political program for English in 2006. As the national facts of life policy 1998-2010 introduced in 1998 was heavily criticised for being inadequate to cater the indigences of the country in twenty first century and very soon MoE make the gravity of the mistakes when the new pedagogics policy was heading towards complete collapse. To merely its face the MoE came up with a new idea to revise m all of the most defective policies.INTENDED AUDIENCEThe analysis is going to centre on the problems of instillers, students and the course of study. The analysis is restricted to the old placement of education in the biggest province of Punjab.FUNCTION AND PURPOSE OF THE ANALSYISThe main function and settle of the policy analysis is to counsel on the drawbacks in the breeding methodology and the proposed curriculum introduced at the primary level. How these problems be adversely affecting the people winding with education sector, especially the students who are at the receiving end.TYPE OF KNOWLEDGEThe analysis is both non-interpretative and interpretative.NATURE OF POLICYThe analysis is non-perspective as it will live a wide climb towards the existing policy. A non-perspective policy text edition is construed so that the reader is allowed a heavy(p) deal of latitude as to how they interpret its message(s) (Scott, 2000, pp 18). Sco tt adds if the text is non-perspective, the reader is not asked to behave or think in a certain way exactly is offered a turn of possibilities which they usher out then choose from (ibid, pp 18-19).The writing will be found on the collects, analysis and unbelief of variant educationists, analysts and opinion. It will focus on on both the conventionalist advancement and CLT approach and how it works out for a country same Pakistan. The topic is wide focus on the English tenet techniques at primary level in Pakistan and how this is effecting the students in termination of their progress. The CLT will be dealt with in depth to address the issue the English direction as a second/foreign expression. While talk of the town about the new approach we will keep our focus on Pakistans primary level terminology teaching techniques. One augur is used but graphics and statistics have not been employed as the topic under discussion is of generic nature and involves opinion and research of different researchers and educationists.PAKISTAN AND ENGLISHWorldwide the significance of English as a delivery of communication cannot be overlooked. As communication is the most native aspect of human life (Thompson 20031) and a speech works as a key mean of communication for humans (Clark et. al. 19941). The communication affect starts first at communal level but this circle widens up when people from different communities and societies interacts with one an different. As the world has sustain a global village the English rightly fulfils the need for a vernacular lingua franca to bridge the widening gap between world communities. instantly English is widely considered as a global expression and harmonize to Brutt-Griffler (mentioned in Mackay 200212) due to its some of the most appealing induces it accepts this position. The popularity of English these days could be arbiterd from the fact much than 85 percent international organisations worldwide employ English as the main diction, for display case in Asia and the Pacific ninety percent of the organisations officially use English (MacKay 200217).The national oral communication of Pakistan is Urdu but English has been the official language for communication over the locomote six decade since its independence. The Kachrus concentric model describes Pakistan position in a very well musical mode as it falls in the outer-circle of the model. This circle includes the earlier period of the extension of English in non-native countries where it has become a part of a countrys chief institutions, and plays an cardinal second language role in a multilingual setting and includes 50 some other territories.Fig. 1The University Grants Commission of Pakistan (1982) in a Report on the Teaching of manner of speaking deemed the English as the language of familiarity, technology, and international communication, as an important second language. Furthermore the report adds regarding the futu re of English in Pakistan that it would be employed in the near future as the language of technology and for international communication and soon English is going to hold the position of global lingua franca and ignoring language would be detrimental for any country especially for a country like Pakistan which is already having advantages in the form of past cognition of English (UGC 198214). This statement reveals the significance of English for a triplet world state like Pakistan and recently the government decided to introduce English at all Government Schools from the year one (MoE 2007) and shun the existing policy of teaching English at grade 6 (i.e. sixth year of schooling).EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE bucolicFirst of all it is vital to comprehend the structure of education arranging in Pakistan in order to focus in better manner on the topic under discussion. For a long time English has been an integral component of the syllabus. The education in Pakistan can be dissect into five main levels but we will discuss only two main categories at school levelPrimary Level The primary level comprises of 1-5 grades and students of age 3-11. At this level the long suit of instructions at government schools is Urdu while schools under bucolic governments use local/regional languages as the medium. As mentioned above now the government is preparedness to introduce English at this level both at federal and provincial schools.Secondary Level This level can be further part into two main symbolisesMiddle school, which includes pupil of grade 6-8, andHigher school consisting of grade 9-10 students.The age group for this level varies between 11-18 years and is of great significance because at this stage of education the syllabus commences towards specialisation in a unique(predicate) field of force or disciple and decides towards the future of a student. For instance at this stage a student decides whether he intends to ensue science subjects or arts subjec ts, the two most common choices useable for students at higher school (9-10 grades). Ironically, the medium of instructions at this stage depends on the kind of institution, for example, in private schools the O Levels formation or Senior Cambridge musical arrangement of education are in vogue and thence English is the primary source of instruction. While in government schools, as well called the Urdu Medium Schools, the local curriculum of English is taught as the name suggests the medium of instruction is in Urdu.ENGLISH linguistic communication TEACHINGSince independence of Pakistan in 1947 all successive governments have been strikeing at introducing new and robust education policy to ameliorate the obsolete education system leftfield by the British Empire. But most of these efforts have gone down the fail due to insincere, apathetic and sloppy policies of the government and one can judge the failure of these policies from the fact that in the last 62 years Pakistan intr oduced 11 education policies (1947, 1951, 1959, 1966, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1979, 1992, 1998, 2010) without any beneficial outcome. As educational analysts rightly deduct that the telephone number of education policies does not mean we are over-concerned about vile education standard or under-performance of these policies but it means precisely the opposite. For instance in 1998 the education policy 1998-2010 was introduced but within a check of years of its launch it led to the complete collapse of the education system and to shroud this downfall the Ministry of Education rushed to introduce a new revised curriculum in 2006 (MoE 2007 available at http// This reveals the pathetic government agency of crumbling educational system of the country. Now the government has announced initial content Education Policy 2009 which will be enforced from 2010. We will focus on the obsolete English teaching methodology in exercise and unfortunately like in the past the Ministr y of Educations revised curriculum for English Language 2006 totally avoids this issue (ibid). Curriculum planning can be seen as the systematic attempt by educationalists and instructors to mark and study planned intervention into the educational enterprise (Nunan 1988 1). But in Pakistan the government has neer thought on this line and the existing bunk has gone from bad to worsened where English language teaching is considered as being dissatisfactory, non-conducive and counter-productive for learning the language in Pakistan (Warsi 2004). The educationists summarise the English language teaching techniques in vogue at different levels of education in the following contextTeaching methodology is scant of deep approaches to learning or in other words lack of connection to personal, realize of the learner, thoughtualisation and integration. For language learning it has the implication of memorizing facts about language and lack of contextualized, authentic use of the tush l anguage with a focus on meaning.Curriculum based teaching and learning.An furiousness on rote memorisation. more than focus and emphasis on transfer and assessment of factual friendship rather than assessment of critical thinking and analytical skills (Rehmani 20033)The above features repoint the traditional approach to teaching of English language.Nunan further elaborates the main elements of this traditionalist approachAreaModelView of learningTransmission of knowledgePower relationEmphasis on teachers indorsementTeachers roleProviding frontal instructionLearners rolePassive / individual workView of knowledgePresented as certainView of curriculumStatic predefined content and product nurture experienceKnowledge of facts, concepts skills focus on content and productcontroller of processTeacher structured learningMotivationExtrinsic valuationProduct oriented makement testing criterion referencing(Nunan 19997)Nunan correctly draws the traditional methodology in English teaching in the country where the traditionalists view and focus on the language as a structured system of grammatical patterns, with a higher focus of much(prenominal) techniques on chunk and bookish language. Such approach aims to have pupils producing formally correct sentences and in terms of skills, an emphasis on reading and writing (Nunan 198826-27). Globally at that place has been a greater tendency towards research and kick downstairsment in the field of language teaching techniques and approaches but haplessly Pakistan education system is oblivious of much(prenominal) developments in the world. Warsi laments the obsolete grammar translation method is still being pick out by most language programmes (Warsi 2004) and the facets of language teaching programmes are inapplicable to the most fundamental requirements of students (ibid). Since 1960s, there is an ambition to formulate language teaching more responsive to the ask of the student and this has been a consistent feature of both writing and practical experimentation in language teaching (Tudor 199666). Tudor further advocates such(prenominal)(prenominal) approach and opines that it permits students to play a fuller, more active and participatory role in their language study (ibid). And it develops language teaching more effective as the teaching process is highly helpful to the needs, characteristics and expectations of learners. Tudor insists that immense need for different kind of language skills within a swiftly evolving social and economic context make it indispensable for a language teaching profession to develop beguile tools for identifying learners communicative needs and for translating them into coherent course structures (Tudor 19968). Tudors crease truly reflects the need of development skills in the education sector of Pakistan to foster the needs of a strong and well-educated order and a robust education system for the present and the future.COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING (CLT)Comm unicative Language Teaching (CLT) emerged in 60s as an approach towards the teaching of language which lay emphasis on interaction as a source of learning a foreign language. The approach in CLT is totally different from the traditionalist approach as it is a wider approach which is based on a list of common principles and characteristics. As CLT can be well defined by Nunans five pointsAn emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language.The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also on the Learning Management process.An sweetening of the learners own personal experiences as important bring elements to classroom learning.An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activities outside the classroom.(Nunan 1991, 279)The main aim of CLT is to make a student candid of achieving communicative competence in the foreign language so that he ca n utilize the language for doing the similar tasks which it undertakes in day to day life. In other words its application should be reflective of the lot or events surrounding and should not be based on fanciful or unrealistic ideas. Until 1970s teaching and learning system was deemed as system of rules and the learners were assumed to internalize such rules (Nunan 19999). The approach was contradictory to CLT because it focus on set rules of teaching and a set path which could never be breached or in other words simply the teaching of fundamental like grammar of a language while there is no emphasis on its application and usage in the language. As Richard contends that language ability cannot be restricted to just grammar and it involves more than merely memorizing grammar and the grammar and other features of a language should be applied properly and purposefully for different communicative purpose and therefore the focus of learning and teaching need to be directed towards the use of language and not just the knowledge of language (Richards 20079).ENGLISH CURRICULUM AND TEACHING TECHNIQUES IN PAKISTANIn third world countries like Pakistan, the teaching curriculum, especially English curriculum, has been the centre of criticism over the last couple of decades. The English curriculum is obsolete and out-of-date which has been in practice since colonial rule over the sub-continent. Before 2006 to the worse of students at government owned schools important subject like English was introduced at the secondary level or 6th grade and at this stage the students started learning the ABC of English. The revised 2006 English curriculum for the first time introduced English at 1st grade. The new revised English curriculum only focuses on outlining the policy but does not focus on the problems at the heart of the system. The organisation of the curriculum framework reveals that students of primary level have been divided into two categories of I-II and III-V with t he aim to develop a solid base for the tender age students in order to develop them into autonomous learners and to develop skills and understanding to build a foundation for by and by studies. This policy guideline for the English curriculum also sets different bench mark for different groups of students. For instance the benchmark summarised in table 2.3 at rapscallion 11 for grade III-V reveals that the planner of the policy has concentrated more on the grammar. The government while introducing such syllabus overlooks the capabilities of the government schools to enforce such policy.One can understand the level of competency the curriculum plans to achieve for the students for instance one of the competency objective for grade one student is to learn how a student will hold a book, percipient a book and turn rogues of a book correctly (Revised Curriculum, class 3, page 22). The other competency objective for the same group is tantamount(predicate) to spoon feeding where a s tudent is supposed to tell what comes before and after an alphabet (ibid, page 25). Furthermore on the page 26 of the curriculum the grade-I students are supposed to learn the poem by heart which will help them in developing reading and thinking skills (ibid, page 26). The big question mark is how a student is supposed to short- switch over something which is new for him without knowing or understanding the meaning and what is the main purpose of that exercise which a grade-I student is going to adopt and does it help towards the aim of developing a student reading and thinking sills. The writing skills of the curriculum (page 27) focuses on how a student will hold a pencil correctly, draw different lines, draw within the lines, trace and copy smooth and capital letters, write number from 1 to 10, write date, name, phone number etc. The formal and lexical aspect of language again diverts the student from English towards local languages which defocus them from their main objective (page 33). These are some of the aspects of the revised English curriculum which reflects the insincerity and lack of dedication to introduce new English teaching techniques and a fresh syllabus based on modern knowledge. The curriculum is seen by most of the critics as a instant and ineffective guideline for the teachers and students which will hardly benefit any of the two. The teaching guideline is more inclined towards the traditionalist approach and there is no room for any reform towards adaptation of new techniques being skilful worldwide for teaching English. The curriculum does not work to amend the existing practice of teaching where the students are the biggest losers. The curriculum restricts to develop and promote the internal abilities of the student by binding them to follow, adopt and think within express mail parameters without any concession to go out of those limits and this in turn leads to confounded of confidence and self-learning capabilities.I put the que stion regarding the new English curriculum to a former senior Professor of English, Mr. Safdar Rana, (at Islamabad Model College for Boys, F-8/4, Islamabad, Pakistan) who is associated with teaching profession for over 30 years, he ridiculed the syllabus and saidthe syllabus is the same obsolete which I started teaching at primary level in 1967, it is 100 percent the same. The same syllabus includes topic like write the story of greedy dog, union is strength, write a letter to father thanking him for buying a pen, attempt of Journey by Bus etc is going on and Ministry of education is euphoric that they are promoting education and in their mind this system is the best in the third world. But actually the current English teaching techniques and the curriculum are not student-friendly and their learning process has stopped as they do not use their abilities and skills but heavily dependent on rote memorisation.To another question regarding the improvement in English teaching standard, expressing his sorrow, he repliedhow one can expect improvement in education when not a single government tried to change the system, the teachers are under-educated and unequipped to teach the students because they are adopting the old techniques of teaching and an obsolete syllabus left by British before independence these techniques and syllabus has been rejected by the rest of the world as counter-productive and inefficient but still this is in practice over here. Second how a teacher can teach a crowded class of 80 students, you cannot introduce new system in such circumstances. The government is heedless to the student-teacher problems and this sector has been completely unheeded by all political and military government came to power.To a question that teacher are against new techniques like CLT, he opined as furthermost as I am concerned I will take any such change. But the government has never introduced any such scheme or system in the past and it will be wrong to say that teachers are against any such techniques. But it is an turbulence task as it needs long term massive enthronisation in term of finance and human resources and serious and consistent efforts are needed on the part of current and any future governments to train, varan and supervise up to half million teachers where 70 percent of government schools are located in rural and far flung areas of the country.As Hindal furthers the argument that the techniques of teaching and learning are fully relied upon the well-organised and effective memorisation of tuition and procedures, which is part of the text books or lecture notes, and its later recollection in exams (2007). This pattern of teaching and learning techniques is common at all levels of education (Hindal 2007). In this setup the student and teachers are very rarely rewarded for their scholarship and the rewards in exams are completely based on retention and keeping (ibid). The main trend in such system is that how much a s tudent is capable of memorising and recalling and the learning or success is not based on learning, understanding or using its capabilities. It is a common concept that those teachers in Pakistan have been successful in a system which rewards exact recall because comprehension is not valued highly for learners at all level.Reid in 1979 gave this idea that for a change of an approach, new information needs to interact with the long-term existing memory. Reid contends that there is no possibility of change in attitude if there is failure to establish mental relationship. Reid identifies specific kind of circumstances where there is higher probability of interaction and this will include learning situations which are active or in other words the student should be involved with the new material, feelings or experiences. This possible action rightly suggests that the English text books and curriculum in Pakistan have failed to develop positive attitudes among learners and teachers towa rds English language.In third world countries like Pakistan the teacher is deemed as the fount of knowledge and not as a facilitator (Liu19985). Liu underscore the needs and significance of a proper teaching methodology in accordance with the cultures of these countries instead of completely depending on the western researchers and approaches for their need as some western techniques are not going to work out for a poor country (Liu19984).CONCLUSIONThe education standard at primary level cannot be improved without complete overhaul and debut of the existing teaching techniques and curriculum which merely promotes the traditionalist approach sans any hope of development. The traditionalist approach to teaching could be replaced with Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) which is the best alternative to the existing system of education, especially for teaching English as a second language. The introduction of new curriculum is not up to the standard to assist the pupils to engage th eir natural abilities and skills but it discourage them to be innovative, constructive and confident. The successful student in such system is that who blindly adopts and follows the current education system. The Ministry of Education (MoE) has been following a vicious circle of education policies and strategies for a very long time with this hope that this path will lead to success but by end of day the MoE comes to the same point from where they started in 1947.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Microbial Clean-up of POPs in a Subsurface Environment
Microbial Clean-up of refines in a Subsurface Environment dark Organic Pollutants (POPs) consist of a wide range of contaminants with each collection presenting different challenges and having different processes for bioremediation. Although Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) ar not a POP under the Stockholm Convention, they argon widespread in the environment and quarter be toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic. Specific PAHs are seldom open up in isolation and interactions can increase the aforementioned properties (15). This paper describes a revolutionary crossroad for the clean-up of PAHs in a subsurface environment.A new crop for the clean-up of PAHs get out be described including factors that could enhance or limit its potential, found on technical and literature reviews. The engineering and legal aspects of applying the fruit will in any case be examined.3.1 Metabolic Characteristic of PAH Degradation Product The mass of research into PAH degradation has focuse d on aerobic rather than anaerobiotic processes so this product has been designed using findings from aerobic studies (15). Constituents of this product are shown in Figure 1.Indigenous bacterium whitethorn have evolved more(prenominal) efficient pathways and enzymes to tear down PAHs compared to comm save cultivated microorganisms (15). If these are present only the biostimulation phonation of the product may be required to feed the bacterium or change ground irrigate chemistry to create favourable growth conditions.If the be biomass is not viable or doesnt contain specific genes or species sure-footed of degrading PAHs, the bacteria consortia interrupt of the product can be introduced as well. In addition, more bacterial species are able-bodied of degrading downcast molecular weight (LMW) PAHs compared to high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs and if testing shows the original bacteria only possess strains able to degrade LWM PAHs the bacteria consortia part of the product s hould be used.A consortia can be more efficacious than one particular strain due to metabolous diversity and co-operative metabolic activates for example where products produced by one strain are further exuberant by other strains possessing suitable catabolic pathways (8)A consortia cannot be make by simply mixing any bacterial strains know to degrade PAHs as they may not be compatible or variance co-operative metabolic activities (17). Also pre-exposure of bacteria to hydrocarbons has be shown to increase the degradation aim (11). Therefore the most effective remediation may be achieved by developing a consortia from inoculants isolated from an environment impacted by long term contamination.The consortium in this product consists of 4 strains Pseudomonas (MTS-1, KC3), Cupriavidus (MTS-7) and boron (KC5) and was formed by enriching and isolating bacteria from a manufactured hit man plant site (17). The strains were then identified by means of molecular clone and gene sequ encing, mixed and the most effective PAH degrading consortia selected.The consortia has been shown to degrade PAHs in soil slurry by 80-90% for LMW PAHs and 60-70% for HMW PAHs compared to natural attenuation rates of 55% and 40% for LMW and HMW PAHs respectively. Figure 2 shows the upper pathway for the aerobic degradation of PAHs. HMW PAHs are degraded first followed by LMW PAHs and carbon dioxide and water formed as by-products (5).Dioxygenases are intracellular so PAHs must be taken in by cells for degradation to take place. Degradation rates depend on the mass deportation rates of contaminants from the solid or bound microscope stage to the aqueous phase angle where they are bioavailable (8). This can be increased by increasing the surface area surrounded by the substrate and the aqueous phase through the addition of surfactants (8). Concentrations of PAHs in the aqueous phase are proportionate to the amount of surfactant available (8,11). For increased efficiency the bios timulation part of this product contains surfactants that have been shown to solubilize benzoapyrene from the soil by 1000 times more than its water solubility plus all strains in the consortia are biosurfactant producers (13) (17).3.2 communicable adaptationDegradation rates could be increased by molecular clone of genes responsible for PAH degradation, into highly replicating plasmids in bacteria (8). Genetic engineering could also be used to introduce or modify membrane proteins to still transportation of hydrophobic POPs into the cellular interiors of microbes or cells could be modified to change catabolic reactions on their surface (2). Alternatively, protein engineering could enhanced degradative capabilities by modifying catabolic enzymes so one strain can catabolize several POPs or so catabolic enzymes can degrade dead end products (2).Genetic engineering is expensive, can be controversial, there may be difficulties in getting genetically engineered microbes to survive in the environment and gene transfer among microbes in the environment may lead to the emergence of new species (2) (4). It was because decided not to use genetic engineering due to comprise and it would unlikely be acceptable to a regulator. (alex)4.1 Factors That Could Enhance or intend Potential of Product4.1.1 Properties of PollutantThe longer an organic substance remains in contact with soil the more the bioavail king decreases due to the formation of bound residues. Bioavail dexterity is the ability to be transported across a cell membrane for intercellular metamorphosis as with this product or the availability for extracellular metabolism. PAHs can also get trapped in coal tar or desolate carbon particles reducing their bioavailability ()The bioavailability of POPs is low due to their high octanol/water separate coefficient (Kow) meaning they are relatively hydrophobic whereas microbes and their catalytic enzymes are optimised for deliquescent surroundings. LMW 2-3 ri ng PAHs such as anthracene with lower Kow values, high water solubility and volatility are more mobile and therefore more promptly degradable compared to HMW 4-7 ring PAHs such as Benzolg,h,iperylene which may be mutagenic and carcinogenic (4)(8).4.1.2 Properties of Contaminated EnvironmentThe concentrations of soil organic matter and inorganic actual effects the bioavailability of pollutants and reduces the survival of exogenous microorganisms (3). Where there is high organic and trunk content PAHs are protected by sorption to organic matter and spreading into micropores, thus limiting their degradation (4).Temperature will impact the product as the rate of organic pollutant desorption from soil to aqueous phase increases as temporary increases. For PAHs the soil water partition-coefficient decreases by 20-30% for every 10oc rise in temperature between 5 and 45oc (11). In addition with increased temperature dissolved oxygen decreases and the ability of the bacteria to cope wit h temperature ranges may affect the product performance (4)(15). privation of soil nutrients, bioavailability of carbon sources, presence of additional pollutants have been shown to inhibit biodegradation by impact the physiology and ecology of microorganisms (17) (4). However, as shown in Table 1, this product contains nutrients and a carbon source for biostimulation. Heavy metal contamination is often found with PAHs provided this product is designed with metal tolerant bacterial strains (17). The bacteria in this product are most efficient at degrading PAHs near pH7 so pH adjusters are also included.Other properties of the bemire environment that could affect the products potential include adverse effects in soil microcosm due to competition between indigenous and exogenous microorganisms and interactions of the inoculated bacteria with protozoa and bacteriophages (3). Low soil water content will pass in decreased substrate availability and may have physiologic effects on mic roorganisms due to cell dehydration (3).4.2 Engineering Challenges for plain stitch Application of ProductFigure 2 shows the stages in the field practise of the product which needs to be tailored to site specific conditions. The product will be sold in the form a fat-soluble injection compound that will be injected upstream of groundwater flow through injection wells, extracted downstream and recirculated.Table 2 shows some of the engineering challenges in the use of the product.4.3 Legal Framework for Field Application of Product local anaesthetic Authorities are responsible for determining if land or waters are contaminated and are the lead regulator except for limited Sites where SEPA is responsible. As shown in table XXX contamination can be addressed through the contaminated land regime under deduct 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 or though planning controls. Whenever mathematical remediation should be carried out by agreements with the enforcing authority r ather than by means of a Remediation Notice. If a notice is served it will prepare the action required and timescales.A mobile plant licence may be required for the treatment of contaminated land and may be regarded as an authorisation for the treatment of groundwater under The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (9). When SEPA unveil such a license a site specific on the job(p) plan must be agreed with them.Soil Guideline set (SGVs) represent trigger levels for concentrations of pollutants in soils that may pose a venture to human health. They dont represent the threshold at which harm occurs or unsufferable levels in terms of Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 but they may be a starting point for the risk mind process for determining if the land is contaminated or remediation has been thriving (6). There are no statutory standards for soil contamination as site specific risk assessment taking into account the sources, pathway s and receptors affecting a particular site (7).The first part of the product is the biostimulation part containing elements to promote bacterial growth, a source of carbon, pH adjusters, an oxygen inflammation compound and surfactants to increase the bioavailability of PAHs. If the indigenous bacteria are not capable of degrading PAHs present the bioaugmentation part should also be used. The bacterial strains in the consortia are biosurfactant producers and are capable of degrading HMW PAHs.The legal framework requires a site specific approach to the use of the product. Also the field application needs to be tailored to site specific conditions with environmental monitor before, during and after application.
Offshore Catering Companies
inshore Catering CompaniesThe best way to break in the world of oceanic or oil color rig employment is inshore provide companies. With no experience require on shoreward locations, take upting through the cream process is not tough either. As inshore give companies erect cater operations in different countries, once screwing murder tremendous amount of experience and move up the employment extend quickly as well.The term off-shoring has different meanings in different context. In regard with cater origin, companies which relocate their business processes in different countries or provide cater services and solutions onshore argon termed as offshore supply companies. The management and control of offshore ply companies is outside the legal power of its primary location. These businesses be organized and maintained in offshore pecuniary centers.Benefits of Offshore Catering CompaniesFor a mobile report force, regimen becomes the most authoritative factor for p roductivity as well as well being. locomotion in sea or long hauls in abroad locations tramp leave any one asking for regular food which one has grown up and beat accustomed to. Absence of such sanctioned prerequisites fanny leave the workforce dejected and listless. in that respectfore any business set up with mobile workforce or foreign waistcloth must hire an offshore provide bon ton that give the sack all(prenominal)ow look food all the time with consistency in strain as well as hygiene.For a business, an offshore catering company takes care of the following thingsOn demand availability of food on that point are times when a crew member celebrates his birthday or marriage ceremony or there is a general get together. In such conditions, nicely cooked food with some exoticness can add more sheen to the event and thus give the workforce a much admited break from the monotony of the work lifestyle. bearing of offshore catering companies on board thus can illuminate a lot of difference in the way the crew celebrates events. employ department with zero responsibility As the food department belongs to an offshore catering company, the responsibility of arranging the infrastructure or the tools for cooking reduces to the unclothe minimum and the responsibility gets transferred to the offshore catering companies.Cost experts Needless to say, hiring an offshore catering company has many cost benefits as well. One doesnt need to set up the cooking infrastructure and bear the respective(a) overheads convolute with the procurement of the raw materials and other things needed for the cooking process.However the benefits dont gag rule only for the companies hiring offshore catering companies, In fact the offshore companies please various benefits as well such asTax discounts The benefits of go the business by offshore catering companies to an offshore location can be seen in terms of tax discounts they get by operate in offshore financial center.L ess Paperwork Another advantage of forming offshore catering companies is reduced hassles of paper work which leads to the less complicated trail of operations. Also little reporting work is required for auditing and verification purposes in offshore companies.Confidentiality maintenance By incorporating offshore catering companies one can keep the data about company structure and other affairs private which is not possible onshore.Thus offshore catering companies, when seen as a full fledged industry, which needs security of data and various financial benefits, becomes a nice ways for the regular catering companies to profit the span of their clients and services.Working in offshore catering companiesWorking in offshore catering companies can be highly exciting and honor just at the same time, quite demanding. Working for offshore catering companies requires extensive diligence and commitment.Catering work on offshore oil rigs is one of the popular jobs among jobseekers. An offs hore oil company requires catering violence like chefs, housekeeping staff and cooks on regular basis. Catering companies passing service offshoring for such requirements.The most important thing required to work in offshore catering companies is ability to handle pressure as working conditions are really challenging. The work involves the preparation and presentation of quality food, alter and sanitation tasks and maintenance of cordial customer relationship.Offshore catering companies require a proper back office system to itinerary various catering activities. If you want to work in offshore catering companies then you may explore several options usable apart from culinary stuff. You can get involved in activities like planning and coordination of catering events, communicating with customers about menu requirements, creating and verifying catering budget and observe the quality of food and ingredients used. in that respect are number of work opportunities available in off shore catering companies like cooking, housekeeping, goods supply management, customer fundamental interaction etc. Apart from work experience one can benefit from some special preparation like first aid training and offshore survival training for getting hired in offshore catering companies.Opportunities for Catering Personnel working in offshore catering companiesThere are numerous opportunities available for catering personnel working offshore. Generally offshore catering companies get contract for offshore catering from different sectors. One of the important categories which require the services of offshore catering companies are oil rig companies. Offshore catering companies get requirement of catering staff from oil rigs not only for cooking but for a lot of other activities also, so opportunities for catering personnel are quite high and rewarding here. Listed below are some of the positionsChef repoint forge Chef Head Cook has the important responsibility of managing the whole kitchen and preparing good quality meals. The job requires experience because the task is to prepare sumptuous food in huge amount and that on regular basis as well.CampBoss This is also a high take position that requires experience and is creditworthy for the management of whole offshore catering department.CampBossensures the smooth functioning of all the catering related activities and of course the preparation of healthy and nutritious food. There is catering staff which assists the camp boss in managing all this stuff. housekeep staff Housekeeping and cleaning activities also come under the catering department in offshore companies. Offshore catering companies are required to provide housekeeping staff along with other staff. Their job involves cleaning and maintaining kitchen area, mess, recreational and sleeping halls.Night Baker All the bread, muffins, desserts needed by crew is baked by the night baker.Offshore assistant Cook Assistant cook helps the lead chef and a lso required to work as a night cook. He follows the instructions of master chef and prepares meals according to his recipes and guidelines.The options are not only many but voluminous as well. There are a plenty of offshore catering companies that generate a huge demand for such vacancies. However in order to get a job, one must show dexterity, multitasking, patience and high level of commitment.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Persuasive essay on Hard Work -- Essays Papers
Hard fetch is challenging work. but why does it have to be challenging work? Because challenging work, when intelligently chosen, pays off. Its the work that people of lesser character will avoid. And if you reckon that Im saying people who avoid challenging work have a character flaw, youre right and a knockout one at that. If you avoid challenging work, you avoid doing what it takes to succeed. To keep your muscles smashed or your mind sharp, you need to contest them. To do only whats easy will lead to physical and mental flabbiness and genuinely mediocre results, followed by a great deal of time and hunting expedition spent justifying why such flabbiness is OK, instead of stepping up and victorious on some real challenges.Tackling challenges builds character, just as lifting weights builds muscle. To avoid challenge is to abandon ones character development. Now its innate(p) that well tend to avoid whats painful, so if we see challenge as purely painful, well surely avoi d it. But in so doing, were avoiding some very important character development, which by its very character is often tremendou...
The Hessian :: essays research papers
Frederick Douglass was an emancipated slave who passed from one master to another until hefinally found the satisfaction of being his own he went finished al or so as many names asmasters. His mothers family name, trace fitted at least as far back as 1701 (FD, 5) wasBailey, the name he bore until his flight to freedom in 1838. His father may or may nothave been a white man named Anthony, yet Douglass never firmly validated or rejected thispossibility. During transit to untested York (where he became a freedman) his name becameStanley, and upon arrival he changed it again to Johnson. In New Bedford, where there weretoo many Johnsons, he found it incumbent to change it once more, and his final choice wasDouglass, taken, as suggested to him by a white friend and benefactor, from a story by SirWalter Scott (although the character in that story bore only a single s in his name). only throughout, he clung to Frederick, to preserve a understanding of my identity (Norton, 1988).This s uccession of names is illustrative of the geological fault undergone by one returningfrom the world of the dead, which in a sense is what the move from oppression to libertyis. Frederick Douglass not only underwent a faulting but, being intelligent andendowed with the gift of Voice, he brought back with him a sharp perspective on the blightsof racism and slavery. Dropped into America during the heat of straighten out as he was, hisappearance on the scene of debate, upon his own self-emancipation, was a valuable blessingfor the abolitionists. In their struggles so far, there had been many expert arguers butfew who could so convincingly portray the evils of slavery, an act which seemed to inquirelittle short of firsthand experience, but which also required a clear understanding of it. Douglass had both, and proved himself an incredibly powerful weapon for reform. spot theidentity of his father is uncertain, it is generally accepted that the man was white,giving Douglass a mixed ancestry. Mirroring this, he was also blessed with an eye thatcould bring into heighten different perspectives and, just as many multi-racial children todayare able to speak multiple languages with ease, he had the ability to translate in the mosteloquent fashion between the worlds of the black man and white man. Thus, ironically, the agonizing beginning of Douglass existence was inadvertently made (by him) into a treasurefor us (being in the main white America). The story of the American Dream, wherein a young
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Julius Caesar Essay: Marc Antony’s Power of Persuasion -- Julius Caesa
Marc Antonys Power of public opinion in Julius Caesar In William Shakespeares Julius Caesar, although Marc Antony is allowed to make a speech at Caesars funeral, he must not speak ill of either the conspirators or Caesar. Antony was ferocious with Caesars assassination, and wants to seek revenge on his killers as well as growth power for himself in Romes government. He must persuade the crowd that has self-collected that Caesars murder was unjust, and turn them against Brutus and Cassius. He tries to stir his listeners anger, rousing them into action and til now say nothing bad about his enemies. Marc Antony uses several persuasive devices in his speech, which allows him to successfully convince the citizens of Rome to turn against the conspirators. The first of these devices, specific evidence, allows Antony to match Brutus explanation for the assassination and prove Caesar was a good ruler. He says, He hath brought many captives home to Rome,/Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill (III.ii.97-98). He continues with, When the poor fox cried, Caesar hath wept (III.ii.100). Marc Antony uses these examples to show the crowd that Caesar cared deeply about Rome and its citizens, and to remind them of the contributions he made. Caesar risked his life to take captives, and then gave the ransom money to the public. Marc Antony says that Caesar was compassionate, he felt his citizens sadness and wept with them. The audience remembers what a good ruler Caesar was, and regrets that hes gone. Brutus had told the citizens he killed Caesar because of his ambition, but Antony disproves this. He says, You all did see that on the Lupercal/I thrice presented him a kingly cr avouch,/Which he did thri... ...ence to feel the opposite of what hes saying A. respectable men 1. Tone of voice tells his feelings-sarcastic tone 1. Repetition-forget actual message B. No mutiny 2. Connects to Honorable men (134) 3. Repetition-loses message IV. Emotions- Appeals to citizen s sadness, horror, then anger A. Sadness-shows his own sorrowfulness 1. (115) B. Horror 1. Carries in Caesars body 2. Shows where Caesar was stabbed-(186) C. Anger-makes conspirators seem evil 1. (235) 2. (135) V. Props-Keep pursuit and appeal to grief A. Caesars body 1. Appeal to audiences emotions 2. Show personal grief B. The will 1. Keep audiences interest a. (140) b. (155) 1. Show audience how great Caesar was VII. Conclusion-what happened afterwards speech
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The Metamorphosis :: Example Personal Narratives
The Metamorphosis When I look back over the past some years, I realize how much Ive put upn and changed. I arrived at Harvard embarkation School without some(prenominal) idea of what to expect. I entered my second year of spicy school as an innocent thirteen year-old feeling about a thousand miles from home. My interests at the time were cars, planes, major league basketb each(prenominal), movies and tennis. Midway by my senior year at Harvard Boarding School, my interests have changed dramatically. If there is unmatched common occurrence that takes place for every single person in the diverse student body at Harvard Boarding School, it is that we all grow up much faster for having lived there. I do not realize whether this speeding up of the maturing process is generally good or bad, but I definitely have benefited. The classroom has become a entirely different realm for me. Before, the teachers and students alike preached the importance of learning, but it was implici tly unadorned that the to the highest degree important concern was grades. At school s name teachers genuinely desire that learning is the most importance objective and deeply encourage us to collaborate with each other and make use of all resources that we may find. In fact, in a certain class this year, my teacher delegate us to prepare every day of the week to discuss a certain book there were only two requirements in this preparation- we had to maximise our sources, gleaning from everything and everyone in the school, but we were not allowed to actually look at the book. As a result, I know more about that book than any other that I have actually read. It is teaching methods such as this that ensure that we will learn more. Indeed, this matter of thinking has been one of the most important aspects of my experience. Whether in Physics or English, I m required to betterment every problem and idea independently and creatively rather than just regurgitate the teacher s words. In discussion with fellow students both at heart and outside of class, the complex thoughts flowing through everyone s brain is evident. However, I believe that the most important concepts that I have espoused in being independent of my parents for half of each year, deal with being a universal person. The school s faculty and students are conscious about keeping all of the kids attention from being based on the school.
Contempt of Court in Canada Essay -- essays research papers
IntroductionThis idea is pertain with the common constabulary of patronage of court. More specifically, it outlines the arguments in favour of, and against, codifying this law. The offer is to discuss problems with contempt of court, and make proposals to restructure the law. The first occasion of this newsprint will explain the openness principle, which is the balancing factor in assess of contempt of court. The second part will outline the common law offence of contempt of court and narrow the scope of this paper. The second part will set out and explain the arguments in favour of, and against, codifying the law. Finally, the make it part of the paper will set forth some proposals for reform.The receptivity PrincipleEven before freedom of expression was enshrined in our constitution, the judiciary noted that the basic principle governing judicial proceedings in Canada was their openness. Canadian courts atomic number 18 public institutions and accordingly, courtroom occ urrences should be public business. As one Supreme Court justice stated, openness was to be the get covertness the exception. It was further noted that at every stage of the process, the rule should be one of public accessibility and judicial accountability. Now, since free expression has been espoused by Canadians and enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms , the openness principle has attained a constitutional primer coat. Advancement of the principle is made possible by the media, as news reports are the primary means by which the public obtains reading about the courts. Hence, courts must be open to the media in order for them to be open to the public. This concept is not novel to Canadas judicial system. In fact, in recognition of this notion, the system has allowed media exceptions to certain rules and regulations of the court. A limitation on the openness principle is found in the common law of contempt of court. The underlying foundation of this analysis is that contempt of court must be balanced with the openness principle because accurate and fair courtroom reports are an integral part of the due administration of justice. despite of Court, GenerallyContempt addresses behaviour, actions, and publications that interfere with, or create a real risk of officious with, the due administration of justice. It regulates a range of human activities that pose a risk of such interferenc... ...contempt were formed but rejected on the basis that codification would have made an unnecessarily restrictive offence level more restrictive. Then, in 1984, a bill was introduced which would have codified such(prenominal) of the law of contempt. The bill was never enacted and nothing has happened since. The time has come to see these issues as the law is now in dire need of reform.To clarify, this paper is not suggesting that all contempt of court law be codified. That would be an almost impossible task for a paper of this length, given the comple xness of this area of law. Instead, the focus has been on sub judice common law contempt, its instal on our rights and freedoms, and the arguments in respect of codification. Balancing the rights and freedoms of Canadians with the administration of justice, the logical smell seems to be in the direction of codification. Other jurisdictions, such as the unify Kingdom, have taken the positive step toward codification. Perhaps Canada should examine the encourage of these jurisdictions, and determine whether their attempts to limit the scope of media restrictions, while protecting the interests involved in trial proceedings, have been successful.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Biorhythms and Daily Life Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Biorhythms and workaday Life Abstract The knowledge of biorhythms, or the bodys natural cycles, can be applied to legion(predicate) aspects of daily life. Biorhythms have medical checkup, occupational, and recreational uses which allow for the maximation of healthy, productive life through ground and application. Biorhythms, as described by other members of this research team, atomic number 18 the natural cycles of the human body. Most authoritative to this undertaking are circadian rhythms, those which repeat roughly every 24 hours. Obvious examples include sleep cycles and temperature fluctuations more subtle types of circadian rhythms are hormone production and cell division patterns. The scientific communitys growing understanding of these everyday phenomenon has resulted in newfound comprehension of many aspects of our lives, including medicine, work, and recreation. The to the highest degree smash advances enable by biorhythmic research have come in the bowl of me dicine. Chronotherapuetics, or the synchronization of treatment with body rhythms, is perhaps the most apace growing field of medicine. Increasingly, pharmaceutical companies, research centers and individual doctors have begun to dish out the bodys flux when prescribing medical treatment. Many chronic ailments have direct connections to biorhythms, and by utilizing new treatments which acknowledge this potential tool, doctors anticipate that many sufferers formerly resigned to get by with perpetual hardship will be able to lead relatively normal lives. A prime example of chronotherapeutics involves arthritis treatment. Depending upon the type or arthritis (rheumatoid or osteoarthritis), medication can be timed to relieve the symptoms when they are the most severe... ...Johnsons record breaking dash, Michelle Smiths aquatic brilliance, the dominance of the Chinese absorb team, in addition to countless other impressive performances, all happened in the afternoon or evening, when the athletes bodies were primed to perform. Even non-world class athletes benefit from this knowledge. quite a than subject yourself to an early morning run, a better decision would be to wait until evening, when your body is ready for the physical stress that accompanies exercise and exertion. In conclusion, then, it has been demonstrated that understanding of biorhythms can be utilized in numerous ways, all of which improve daily life. Through precision treatment of medical ailments, compensation for occupational stress, and maximization of athletic potential, biorhythms are an integral subprogram of our daily lives and effect us in much of what we do.
Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant :: essays research papers
English analyse - Dinner at the desirous eating house&8216To what extent are Ezra and os the victims and/or the scrapperes of the novel?&8217I think Ezra and tusk are both victims and heroes of the novel. Both looking subsequently the family, especi on the wholey Ezra always thinking just about every one(a). Yet they both communicate taunted by the people around them, Ezra is dun and put down by Cody and drop curtain just sees to be picked on by everyone in the family. drop is heroic in the way that she has unbroken the family together even by and by Beck leaves. Her salary at the grocery gets the family by dint of. She would seem like a &8216 charge&8217 to her kids besides I guess all the hardships she has gone through could formation for her bursts of anger now and then. For example when collect sees jenny ass staring at a nice dress on a girl when they were at church, which undoubtedly drop-off could not afford. Pearl at the dinner defer starts blasting Jenn y then Cody jumps into it. This shows that Pearl is victimised but at the same magazine shows strength so is heroic. The burdens of three children without the support of her husband, Beck, constitutes to her heroism. Pearl has moved from place to place losing friends and relatives, provided to come to an unfamiliar townspeople where her husband decides to leave. Pearl refuses help from anyone, this depicts her knockout points and still thinks Beck will call back from his business trip. her strongwilled mind aids her and her family through life&8217s well-nigh troublesome tasks.Ezra is quite of the more hero I think but still being victimised by his own mother, Pearl and brother, Cody. being so kind hearted and always the positron emission tomography out his borther and sister Ezra leaves himself vulnerable to the &8216attacks&8217 of Cody and Pearl. Cody has always teased Ezra, for example the time when anyone complemented Ezra, Cody would lash back reflexion the very opposit e. It seems that nearly of the families problem would watch on Ezra. Ezra would show the most heroism out of everyone. He was the one that kept the family together ofter Cody and Jenny left.Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant essays research papers English Essay - Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant&8216To what extent are Ezra and Pearl the victims and/or the heroes of the novel?&8217I think Ezra and Pearl are both victims and heroes of the novel. Both looking after the family, especially Ezra always thinking about everyone. Yet they both get taunted by the people around them, Ezra is teased and put down by Cody and Pearl just seems to be picked on by everyone in the family.Pearl is heroic in the way that she has kept the family together even after Beck leaves. Her salary at the grocery gets the family through. She would seem like a &8216bitch&8217 to her kids but I guess all the hardships she has gone through could make-up for her bursts of anger now and then. For example when Pea rl sees Jenny staring at a nice dress on a girl when they were at church, which undoubtedly Pearl could not afford. Pearl at the dinner table starts blasting Jenny then Cody jumps into it. This shows that Pearl is victimised but at the same time shows strength so is heroic. The burdens of three children without the support of her husband, Beck, constitutes to her heroism. Pearl has moved from place to place losing friends and relatives, only to come to an unfamiliar town where her husband decides to leave. Pearl refuses help from anyone, this depicts her strong points and still thinks Beck will return from his business trip. her strongwilled mind aids her and her family through life&8217s most troublesome tasks.Ezra is quite of the more hero I think but still being victimised by his own mother, Pearl and brother, Cody. Being so kind hearted and always the favourite out his borther and sister Ezra leaves himself vulnerable to the &8216attacks&8217 of Cody and Pearl. Cody has always t eased Ezra, for example the time when anyone complemented Ezra, Cody would lash back saying the very opposite. It seems that most of the families problem would rest on Ezra. Ezra would show the most heroism out of everyone. He was the one that kept the family together ofter Cody and Jenny left.
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