Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Swot Analysis of Lux free essay sample
SWOT analysis is a basic, straightforward model that provides directionand serves as a basis for the development of marketing plans. Itaccomplishes this by assessing an organizations strengths (what anorganization can do) and weaknesses (what an organization cannot do) inaddition to opportunities (potential favorable conditions for an organization)and threats (potential unfavorable conditions for an organization). SWOTanalysis is an important step in planning and its value is oftenunderestimated despite the simplicity in creation. The role of SWOTanalysis is to take the information from the environmental analysis andseparate it into internal issues (strengths and weaknesses) and externalissues (opportunities and threats). Once this is completed, SWOT analysisdetermines if the information indicates something that will assist the firm inaccomplishing its objectives (a strength or op nternal Analysis The internal analysis is a comprehensive evaluation of the internal environments potential strengths and weaknesses. Factorsshould be evaluated across the organization in areas such as: y Company culture, image y Organizational structure y Key staff y Access to natural resources y Position on the experience curve Y External Analysis An opportunity is the chance to introduce a newproduct or service that can generate superior returns. We will write a custom essay sample on Swot Analysis of Lux or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Opportunities canarise when changes occur in the external environment. Many of thesechanges can be perceived as threats to the market position of existingproducts and may necessitate a change in product specifications or thedevelopment of new products in order for the firm to remain competitive. Changes in the external environment may be related to: y Customers y Competitors y Market trends y Suppliers y Partners y Social changes y New technology y Economic / Political environmen Operational efficiency, capacity y Brand awareness y Market share y Financial resources y Exclusive contracts y Patents and trade secrets Analysis is instrumental in strategy formulation and selection. It is astrong tool, but it involves a great subjective element. It is best when usedas a guide, and not as a prescription. Successful businesses build on their strengths, correct their weakness and protect against internal weaknessesand external threats. SWOT Analysis helps in strategic planning infollowing manner-a. It is a source of information for strategic planning. b. Builds organization ¶s strengths. c. Reverse its weaknesses. d. Maximize its response to opportunities. e. Overcome organization ¶s threats. f. It helps in identifying core competencies of the firm. g. It helps in setting of objectives for strategic planning. h. It helps in knowing past, present and future so that by using past andcurrent data, future plans can be chalked out. SWOT PROFILE OF LU STRENGTHS1. Strong Market Research (door to door sampling is done once a year in Urban andRural areas). 2. Many variants (Almond Oil, Orchid Extracts, Milk Cream, Fruit Extracts, Saffron,Sandalwood Oil, and Honey to name a few). 3. Strong sales and distribution network backed by HUL. . Strong brand image. 5. Positioning focuses on the attractive beauty segment. 6. Dynamically continuous innovation of the product and brand rejuvenation  ± newvariants ( Aromatic Glow and Chocolate Seduction and Lux White Spa body wash) and innovativepromotions (22 carat gold coin promotion  ±  µChance Hai ¶). 7. Perceived to have high va lue for money (strong brand promotion but relatively lower price which is a winning combination in the popular segment). 8. Though it is in popular segment, it is having mass appeal/market presence across allsegments (15% of the soap market captured by Lux (sales / volume) 9. Unique advantage of having access to resources and assets of HUL. WEAKNESSES1. Lux is mainly positioned as beauty soap targeted towards women, hence it lacksunisex appeal. 2. Usage rate/ wear rate is high and is generally mushy and soggy. 3. Some variants like the sunscreen, international variant did not do well in the market. 4. Certain advertisements like the recent one with Shah Rukh Khan resulted incontroversial interpretations of the message of the advertisement and lead to some lossof focus (of message of the advertisements). 5. Stock out problems replenishment time is high in semi-urban/rural areas. OPPORTUNITIES1. Soap industry growing by 4% in India. 2. Beauty segment ¶s Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is very high. Anindication of this is that Fair and Lovely ¶s segment is increasing at a fast rate Lux mustreinforce its presence in the beauty segment. 3. More promotions like price-off and samples. 4. Retentive strategy required as the soap segment is in the mature stage of its productlife cycle. 5. Line extension  ± probably with more variants catering to the beauty segment likenatural, herbal soap etc. 6. Liquid body wash is currently in the growth stage  ± Lux should come out with morevariants in this segment. THREATS1. New entrants/local competitors/MNCs would increase the competition (Camay, P;G). 2. High internal competition  ± Pears also catering the beauty segment (also from HULstable). 3. Excessive dependence on beauty segment makes Lux vulnerable to changingcustomer tastes. 4. Technological change makes the existing products obsolete  ± Lux should focus ontechnological innovations like Body Wash. Conclusion It is not simply enough to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, andthreats of a company. In applying the SWOT analysis it is necessary to minimizeor avoid both weaknesses and threats. Weaknesses should be looked at in order toconvert them into strengths. Likewise, threats should be converted intoopportunities. Lastly, strengths and opportunities should be matched to optimizethe potential of a firm. Applying SWOT in this fashion can obtain leverage for acompany. As can be seen, SWOT analysis can be extremely beneficial to those whoobjectively analyze their company. The marketing manager should have roughoutline of potential marketing activities that can be used to take advantage of capabilities and convert weaknesses and threats
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Equipment of Marks Spencer Essays
Equipment of Marks Spencer Essays Equipment of Marks Spencer Essay Equipment of Marks Spencer Essay Equipment of Marks Spencer and the machinery would increase in productivity as well as the performance and reputation of the business. Marks Spencer would need to have the latest equipment and machinery in order to carry day to day activities correctly. Marks Spencer would use equipment and machinery such as self check-out machines, electronic tills and trolleys to carry products. The machinery in warehouses would be used in order to make items to the highest possible quality.These machines would need to be updated regularly so that they would not break down and cause day to day activities to slow down. Ultimately, if machinery and equipment are looked after and updated regularly then this means Marks Spencer would be able to operate effectively; customers are likely to buy their items and products which would eventually increase in sales and profit. If customers are going to be happy due to the service provided because of good machinery and equipment then they are likely to stay with Marks Spencer by visiting their stores regularly which would mean Marks Spencer’s reputation will grow over time and once again the sales and profits will increase.In addition to this, Marks Spencer stores have got employed security guards which make a store a safer place to work because there is an instant access to help. Having security is important for marks Spencer because products and items have security tags attached to them on the electronic bars; therefore, if people decide to steal a product or an item the alarm is going to go off at the entrance of the store which would mean that a customer has stolen something. Therefore, security guards will take care of this and make sure that the thief does not run away. In addition, CCTV cameras take great care of being secure at work as well. CCTV cameras operate all day through in Marks Spencer recording everything that is going on. Eventually, having security guards and CCTV cameras increases in performance of Marks Spencer as the employees will feel safe and happy at work and as a result carry out tasks to the best of their ability.Marks Spencer normally has quite big buildings that consist of two, three or even four floors, especially in shopping malls. In addition to this, if there are separate floors such as four floors building it allows Marks Spencer to set a particular floor for particular products and items. For instance, one of the shopping malls in Plymouth has got Marks Spencer store of four floors; the first being men clothing, the second is women clothing, the third is lingerie and fourth floor is children clothing and toys, home ware and the cafà ©. Besides, as the floors are quite big in terms of space, this allows Marks Spencer to have room in order to display a range of styles of the products.If Marks Spencer is able to display a large number of products this means that the performance is going to be increased because as the products are promoted the customers that walk around the store would see the product or an item and might get interested. Customer is likely to be attracted by the product because of the suitable displaying of products in Marks Spencer and as a result they would purchase it. In addition, customers that walk pass the store, might see the display of products in the shop windows of Mark Spencer and this would attract them to come in to the store to look at the product in more detail. Therefore, as customers are likely to buy more products due to displaying this is likely to increase sales and make a higher profit. If the business makes higher profit then this would increase the performance of Marks Spencer.Eventually, human, physical and technological resources have a big impact on Marks Spencer as a business. However, the inability that could to use these resources effectively could appear and this will cause many problems and difficulties rather than advantages
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Walmart Foreign Expansion Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Walmart Foreign Expansion Case Study - Essay Example The company adapted practices to fit the nature of Mexico market before transforming the market culture of American practices. However, the company has been criticized for bribery cases in the establishment of outlets in Mexico involving the executives. The company has fought these allegations through internal investigations as well as inviting other authorities not only for Mexico but also other markets which promote Walmart’s reputation. The company faced difficulties in penetrating the Japan market due to strong government protection for the local firms. The company has adopted some local practices that have promoted growth through acquired local firms. The same is observed in the China’s market that where company has adopted labor practices and considerations for customer tastes and preferences. The company has however failed in the Germany and Korea markets due to failure of adapting practices in accordance to the nature of markets in these countries. For instance, in Germany, the company disregarded labor practices and failed to hire locals to enhance management. The company also failed to improve the quality of the products and items offered. Walmart could not succeed in other countries by adopting its wholesome merchandising strategy. This is because the global markets present different factors that are not observed in the American market. Different countries have varied cultures, economic conditions and other factors that shape tastes and preferences of the locals. Firms that would succeed in these markets should satisfy the customer needs and therefore a flexible merchandising strategy is appropriate for use to promote success. Following this, Walmart would apply part of its marketing strategy that is valid for to a country and adopt other local practices to the company’s strategy. Failure to apply flexible marketing strategy, the company would experience
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Dangerous and Natural Energy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Dangerous and Natural Energy - Research Paper Example However, the risk that is close to the highest magnitude and frequency lies next to areas with the highest risk. As per the map, the western seaboard experiences the highest hazard of earthquakes (USGS: Science for a Changing World, 2012). Considering that the pink color represent areas with the highest earthquake hazard, Seattle lies in the green area, which is third to the least risky area. However, there are maroon areas surrounding it meaning that earthquakes may be experienced from these areas reaching the area (USGS: Science for a Changing World, 2012). In the past seven days, according to the earthquake center, there has not occurred any seismic activity in the area. The closest earthquake activity that occurred in the past seven days was in Canada and not in the USA. There has been seismic activity in the USA that has occurred in most recently, and in some cases up to this month on the 2nd of June in California. On a global scale, seismic activity seems to occur offshore in the areas bordering the land. This is particularly so in the areas around Alaska, the west coast of the USA, as well as the West coast of South America. Among all these regions, there is consistency in the occurrence based on fault lines around the world. These are mainly to the west of Alaska, East of Australia and the western side of the South American continent. There are, also, several earthquakes occurring in continental shelves in areas such as Alaska, China and India. In addition, there are several occurrences in the Middle East, an area with not much seismic activity. In Japan, 46 kilometers East of Namie, a magnitude 4.7 earthquake occurred on 2 July 2012. It occurred in an area where two fault lines lie (USGS: Science for a Changing World, 2012). Living in a red area is difficult following the high risk involved. However, I would be willing to live in such an area as long as I know the full implication of exposing myself to such a hazard and the benefits that come with
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The role and responsibilities of a subject leader in secondary school Essay
The role and responsibilities of a subject leader in secondary school - Essay Example Subject leaders are responsible for meeting the needs of all pupils in their area of work through planning that emphasises individual needs; through teaching that recognises the importance of clear learning objectives and high expectations for all pupils; through assessment that informs planning and learning; through close collaboration with other staff in devising and implementing individual education plans, and through the deployment of staff and resources as determined by pupils' needs. This places a particular responsibility on subject leaders to develop and agree systems and procedures with other members of the team. (Green, 2004) Effective leaders motivate and support all those efforts that are involved in teaching and learning in their subject or area of work. This includes recognising and acknowledging the contributions of others, building and maintaining a team with clear aims, clear goals direction and targets, and helping others and self to set and meet appropriate professional development targets. Leaders possess the responsibility for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of teaching and learning in their subject or area of work, in particular to help set targets for pupil and staff performance, and determine any priorities in relation to the subject or area of work. ... size of the school or college and in many smaller schools the head teacher may retain a major responsibility for monitoring and evaluating both pupil and staff performance. The subject leader still want to use evidence of pupils' achievement and start developing plans to set targets and looks forward for improvement. (Holden et al, 2000) Subject leaders need to be confident about and have expertise in their subject or area of work in terms both of knowledge and understanding and of pedagogy. Subject Leaders Accountability Subject leaders are accountable for performance within their particular subject area. They are accountable to pupils, parents, colleagues and the senior management team of the school in which they work. (Green, 2004) "Accountability" as the term is used today refers to the belief that teachers and schools should answer to the public for the academic achievement of students. Indicators are used to represent what and how much students have learned. Following this line of reasoning, it makes perfect sense to design assessments that can be used to measure student outcomes and to infer teacher and school competence from these reported outcomes. Consequently, accountability becomes operational through the administration of tests that serve as mechanisms to audit the performance of teachers and schools. According to Bernauer, "School leaders must effect certain school-level changes as a precondition for ongoing improvement, particularly in regard to the allocation of time; that is, in order for dialogue to be productive, it must not only be focused but also be a regular component of the school day. Adequate instructional time must also be available if the results of dialogue are to be effectively transformed and delivered in the classroom. While there
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Trip To The Moon Review Film Studies Essay
A Trip To The Moon Review Film Studies Essay Nowadays, cinema is significantly commercial and digitalised. However, the unique and often entertaining black and white films of the early twentieth century should not be forgotten. They should in fact be revered as films in their own right. A perfect example of early cinema at its peak is A Trip to the Moon (aka Le Voyage dans la Lune), which was directed by film pioneer George M li s in 1902. The majority of films from this period dealt with simple scenes of everyday life, such as the knocking down of a garden wall or the arrival of a train. However M li s made the transition from these early shorts to a more modern form of montage, which led A Trip to the Moon being regarded as a masterpiece of early cinema. The first scene of the film opens with a group of astronomers holding a meeting in order to discuss how to travel to the moon. The main astronomer, played by M li s, suggests that they build some type of capsule and fire themselves at the moon. After some argument, the scientists agree and build a cannon and a bullet-shaped capsule. They are launched at the moon via cannon by a group of showgirls and land comically in the eye of the moon. Once on the lunar surface, they meet the Selenites, the alien hostile inhabitants of the moon. One of M li s main inspirations for the film would be Jules Verne s novel From the Earth to the Moon, from which he got the idea of the projected capsule at the moon. The film also contains elements from H.G. Wells novel The First Men in the Moon, for example, the underground moon cave with gigantic mushrooms and the vulnerable inhabitants, the Selenites. M li s was a master of visual illusion due to him being a professional magician and a producer of theatre. He followed the example set by the main stage magicians of the nineteenth century, such as Jean Robert-Houdin, by integrating the newest technology into his theatrical spectacles. With film, M li s embraced its theatrical possibilities and through experimentation, he made swift advances in special effects, film editing, intricate sets and costumes, and literary content. The set design of the various scenes is elaborate. The painted backdrops merge flawlessly with the constructed parts and props, creating settings with great depth. The set design, costumes, and anthropomorphic objects provide the film with a fantastical surreal appeal, which both attract and astonish audiences. M li s was one of the first filmmakers to make use of special effects, using a number of ingenious techniques to create illusions. Cinematic devices such as stop-motion photography and film splicing were used to give the illusion of objects vanishing or changing. Examples of these techniques can be seen in the Selenites disappearing into a puff of smoke when hit by the scientists and the approach of the capsule towards the moon. For the duration of the film, themes of spectacle, absurdity, and burlesque are given far more importance than scientific logic or realism (Gunning 70). For instance, in the supposedly scientific scene of the launching of the capsule, the cannon is loaded by a troupe of showgirls dressed in a burlesque version of sailor suits (Gunning 70). M li s openly acknowledged the dominance of special effects over the storyline in his films as he once wrote, As for the scenario, the story or tale, I considered it last I utilized it only as a pretext, a context for tricks or pleasing theatrical effects (Gunning 71). A Trip to the Moon is not a forgotten gem of early cinematic history, but a film of energy, imagination, exploration, and humour that still pleasure audiences today. 2. A film review of Duck Soup (1933) The film Duck Soup, starring the Marx Brothers, is a funny satire with lively gags and some of the best physical comedy ever in cinema. Although it is nowadays regarded as a comic masterpiece, the film received poor reviews when it first came out in 1933, mainly for its satirising of politics and warmongering. Even to this day the Marx Brothers are greatly revered because of their masterful ability to treat their audience to riotous slapstick comedy, puns, riddles, and deadpan humour. All of the Marx Brothers comedy films were extensions of their vaudeville days (Gardner 15). Duck Soup is a perfect example of this as the visual gags that had previously been a success on stage, were then incorporated into their comic routines in their films. The 1933 film was directed by Leo McCarey. The film stars Groucho Marx, who plays Rufus Firefly, the new appointed president of the fictional nation of Freedonia. Firefly has a questioning attitude towards work ethic, which can be seen as he attempts to decrease work hours by shortening the length of lunch breaks for the workers. Rufus becomes infatuated with Mrs. Teasdale, but he is in competition for her hand with Ambassador Trentino of the neighbouring country of Sylvania. Rufus immediately insults the Sylvanian ambassador by slapping him across the face instead of shaking his hand. War is consequently declared between the two countries. However, the plot of the film is not of any real importance as it mainly serves as a chance for the brothers to make fun of dictators, government bureaucracy and the irrationality of reckless war. Duck Soup features the Marx Brothers at their very best. Both the continuous sequence of laughs and the satirical storyline are hilarious in their own right, but the film also provides the individual comedy sequences for the brothers, which are the real highlight of the film. The film contains some of their best material, providing a variety of comic settings and dialogue and some quite entertaining musical sequences. Two of their most iconic are featured in Duck Soup the mirror sequence and the lemonade stand scene. The mirror sequence is by far the most entertaining scene in the film, where Harpo, and Chico, and Groucho are all dressed the same and they mimic each other s movements as if they re looking in a mirror at themselves. Another excellent example of Marx comedy is the peanut stand scene where Chico and Harpo engage in a quarrel with the owner of a lemonade stand next to Harpo s peanut stand. Another humorous and surrealistic aspect of the film is in the final battle scene where the Brothers are dressed in an outrageous pastiche of military uniforms that complete the anti-war attitude of the dialogue (Gardner 87). The military uniforms worn by the Brothers are from several diverse nations and from different historical eras. The film is a constant reel of comedy, from the opening scene, where we meet Groucho s character, to the final scene of the shelter being bombed. Similar to other great comedies of the 1930s, Duck Soup does not require special effects or a completely logically storyline to attract an audience. Nowadays, Duck Soup is widely considered to be a stunning success of film comedy, and the Marx Brothers best film.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Why Does Being A Philosopher Help In Philosophical Practice? :: Philosophers Philosophy Philosophical Papers
Why Does Being A Philosopher Help In Philosophical Practice? I think of personal consulting and much of what others call therapy as like dancing with another person. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow and sometimes the hardest part to learn is how to stay out of your partners way. You must understand your partners way of moving very well indeed if you are to follow it, move with it and know what will embellish and accentuate and what will interrupt. The 'dance' of personal consulting requires the kind of intellectual ability we should expect a well trained philosopher to have even if it also calls for traits and skills philosophers are not likely to have. Philosophers are specialists in understanding people who are notoriously hard to understand. What philosophers do is listen to and think about other philosophers and their job is to pit their minds against the minds of some of the greatest intellects our civilisation has known, 'understand which is not the same as memorising', what those thinkers did say, would say, avoided saying, assumed or presupposed; who influenced them and how; which ideas connect with which; and how it all fits together. They must be able to do this so well that they can take the part of any major philosopher, know that philosopher so well that they can become him or her 'from the inside'. All academic disciplines breed a degree of self criticism that goes with a sense of never knowing as much as one ought to know, but this is especially true of philosophy which has historically been one of the most self critical and introspective of disciplines. Indeed the popular image of not being good for much owes a great deal to philosophers criticisms of themselves from Socrates on, and perhaps the world at large would not have had enough imagination to change the discipline with being useless if the philosophers had not themselves intimated as much. It is no wonder that philosophers are insecure given the stature of the minds against which they must match wits and given the complexity of the problems with which they deal. Granted philosophers tend to be 'out of touch' with their feelings  a drawback in a consultant which would be shared by representatives of other disciplines such as psychiatry, psychology or medicine, but they are well used to keeping themselves in focus, to bringing a question back to 'what do 1 make out of all this?
Sunday, November 10, 2019
For quite some time, humans have had the reputation of always carrying out sins and criminal activity. In many societies, they have rules and regulation that govern them and have specific measures that they take once a person carries out a particular negative criminal act. Traditional societies have been on the frontline towards ensuring that criminal activities are minimized efficiently and effectively in their locations. There are different methods of punishment that exist and the most common ones are imprisonment or death.However, contemporary societies have en to it that there be an introduction of another means of punishment and this Is through castration (Somerville, 2013). Castration Is a method of punishment that involves the authorities mutilating or interfering with the anatomy and hormones of those convicted of certain sexual offenses. Right now there are several states that practice this form of punishment via chemical castration or surgical. These states include Georgia, Florida, California, Louisiana, Montana, Oregon, Texas, and Wisconsin.These states allow chemical and surgical castration as a condition for a educed sentence, which I don't agree with. Chemical castration Is the administration of a medication given Intravenously or orally called AMP, which Is commonly known as Depraver, this medication is prescribed to women for various issues such as birth control, uterine, menstrual, menopausal issues but when used by men it decreases the hormone testosterone to the pre-puberty level. Health officials state that this procedure works by minimizing or reducing the desire, interest, libido and making it difficult to perform sexual activities.Although this is said to work it has several side effects such as blood clots, menopausal symptoms, cardiovascular, blood level, blood pressure and allergic reactions, the effects are reversible. After the person stops taking the medication. Surgical castration is the removal of a man's testicles or a women's o varies and is not reversible. Do not see where removing this part of the anatomy would prevent sexual activity. In my opinion, I do not believe that removing or lowering the hormone levels of men or women reduces or prevents sexual crimes, but I do not have a problem with using castration as a punishment to repeat offenders.I do agree that pedophilia and rapist deserve this as punishment and this goes for men and women who commit these hideous crimes. In researching castration as a punishment I found no information pertaining to women being castrated only men, and if this is the case then I disagree I feel this should pertain to both sexes as both commit these terrible crimes although more men are charged, tried, convicted and sentenced, then women. Various debates have existed on whether this method of punishment is fair, Inhumane, violates the eighth amendment of cruel and unusual punishment.I have several Issues that I will attempt to address on the pros and cons of castration as a punishment and is it appropriate or violates human rights in my own opinion. Many people have argued that this method of punishment is not fair, and it is inhumane while others argue that this form of punishment is just and appropriate for it assists in punishing and deterring criminals who engage In or attempt to commit these hideous sexual crimes (Golden, 2013). In my pollen, I have no sympathy for these Individuals as they had or punishment.One issue that I have is if we are going to mutilate a person for the crimes they commit, then why aren't we setting standards for all crimes committed, for instance if we are to mutilate and castrate for certain sexual crimes then wouldn't it be fair to mutilate or remove an offenders hand or fingers for robbery or burglary, or surgically removing someone's foot or legs for escaping. The other issue I have is forcefully removing a particular anatomy if an offender is a first time offender. What happens in a situation of innocence or wrongl y accused.There are so many cases where individuals are tried, convicted, sentenced, that are innocent, and years later proven and released, what happens in this case if we castrate, we cannot reverse this procedure once completed. I think repeat offenders should receive this punishment. In 2004, a man named David Wayne Jones, previously employed as a counselor at the east Dallas Ymca confessed to molesting over 40 young boys agreed to be punished by surgical castration, he would make the second offender to have had this reoccurred performed since the law was passed.Although he voluntarily agreed to have this procedure done and was later released, I do not agree that these offenders should have the choice to have this as a sentence reduction. I feel that these criminals should have this procedure done in addition especially when it comes to violating young, helpless, defenseless, innocent children. Another argument that can be used to show the fact that these people ought to be cast rated is the issue of repeat offenders. Many cases exist where the person who carried out the raping rime carries out the same mistake again and again (Becker, 2012).After being caught and imprisoned for the first time, these people have the ability to feel as if they did not deserve the punishment and as a sign of rebellion may rape again. This matter has existed for a very long time. However, if a person is castrated after carrying out the crime for the first time, then there is no chance that he can carry out the crime again but the case has to be 100% proven guilty, I would not want to have the thought of castrating a innocent individual on my head.Castration ought to be a sentencing option to the Judges and this is for the fact that when a person is sentenced to punishment of castration, he goes through much pain and suffering that may be effective enough to act as a warning and deterrent to other people that may have had similar intentions. Moreover, this method of sentencing ensures that the offender does not carry out the crime again even after the release (Tracy, 2013). There are different cases that have come up over the years where the offender may eel obliged and guilty to a point that he practices voluntary castration.Voluntary castration is a method of castration where the Judge does not instruct the prosecutors to castrate the criminal but rather offers it as a suggestion. Now this I agree with 100% and have no issues or objections. The criminals that go for this option ought not to receive a shorter sentence and those that do not should receive the maximum time aloud. This is a very sensitive subject that has to evaluated more in depths before it can be completely considered, it has to be tweaked to perfection.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Police Photography essays
Police Photography essays Photography has always played a very important part in policing. In fact, photographs have many different functions in policing. It acts as a tool to solve crimes, when it can be used as evidence against a criminal. It also helps to deter crime when it is used as a public awareness medium. However the recent developments in photography has revolutionized policing and offers many advantages to the law enforcers to solve crimes. Perhaps the most important technological change that ensured the effectiveness of police photography was the fact that the police could use high speed films and cameras that could ensure good pictures even when the subject was moving or refused to stand still. This was in stark contrast to the earlier years when the culprits or suspects used to move deliberately in order to render the photograph useless and ambiguous. After the high speed films and cameras made their mark, the long distance cameras became a boon to the police department in their efforts at long distance surveillance and criminal monitoring. This was specifically required to track down prominent criminals and to keep a tab on their daily activities. The advent of the compact movie cameras also enhanced the effectiveness of the police and helped them a lot on their routine surveillance duties. The modern gadgets that are available to the police officers for recording the events in a crime scene are necessary to pinpoint the role of the criminal and to prevent his escape from the law. For example, the modern SLR (Single Lens Reflex) cameras allow police officers to shoot a scene in their perspective. This allows them to capture images of sensitive data which may be lost in conventional cameras. SLR cameras always are reliable when it comes to photographing evidence that may be liable to be lost soon from the crime scene, and so does not allow the officers with a second chance to shoot the scene. In addition, the digital technology also has rev...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
anotated bibliography women in media Essay Example
anotated bibliography women in media Essay Example anotated bibliography women in media Essay anotated bibliography women in media Essay Professor Hall 2 December 2013 Title What is beauty? It is hard to define, yet easy to recognize. This could be why many women struggle to see their own beauty. A main contributor to the lowering self- esteem to women is the unattainable body image produced by the media. When a company creates an advertisement they usually cast good looking people to represent them. When this idea is taken to an extreme with digital restoration and photo shop this can lead to the distortion of peoples self-image. This distortion can turn into disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and body shaming. These unrealistic portrayals of women can have the most effect on young girls because they tend to be very impressionable. Russell stated that 53% of children age 13 are unsatisfied with their bodies and by age 17 it had increased to 78% (Russell). Its sad to think by the age of thirteen girls are thinking about their fgures and are unhappy with how they look. the focus of this paper will be on how media can crucially effect the body image of women and distort how they see themselves. Annotated Bibliography Every day we see an uncountable amount of commercials. The media has a huge nfluence on how we act, what we buy and, even more importantly, what we eat. Many of the actors featured in these influential commercials are most often very thin and attractive. When they portray every day women as a size two they are misleading the watcher into thinking they are overweight. This kind of misinformation can lead to body shaming and eating disorders. I will be exploring how media can distort the self-image of its watchers by using underweight and unrealistic actors. For example, I will compare and contrast the self-image produced by the Victoria Secret ad ampaign as opposed to the self-image produced by Dove in their commercials. In this paper, I am going to show the effects of media on the self-image of the watcher. I will touch on the airbrushing techniques used by the editors, to slenderize the already thin actors, as well as the sexual undertones used in these commercials. I will discuss how these contribute to the watchers distorted body image and insecurities. I am also going to go into the specific effects of these media tactics on children. Children are more impressionable and this means they are at a higher risk of being ffected by these unrealistic commercials. One counter argument I will be addressing is the thought that low self-esteem and bad body image are preexisting and merely enhanced by the media. HAAS, CHERYL J. , et al. An Intervention For The Negative Influence Of Media On Body Esteem. College Student Journal 46. 2 (2012): 405-418. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Nov. The authors briefly discuss the effects of media on womens self-image. This scholarly journal then shows data from two different experiments exploring the effects of the media on womens body esteem, sexual attractiveness, and weight concern. This data will be helpful in my paper when I discuss the amount of women affected. I will use this scholarly article for background information about self-esteem, eating disorders, and the media. This connects with the ted talk I found because they both discuss the concept of beauty being in the eye of the beholder. This article talks about how to rectify women self-esteem while in Cameron Russell: looks Arent everything. Believe Me, Im a Model. She shows even beautiful people have their insecurities. Russell, Cameron. Cameron Russell: Looks Arent Everything. Believe Me, Im a Model. TED: Ideas worth Spreading. N. p. , Jan. 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. This ted talk starts out with a very beautiful and thin model standing middle stage. She discusses how being a model is not everything young girls imagine it to be. She exposes the industry from the inside and shows how they had her wearing revealing outfits at the young age of thirteen. She then goes on to explain the insecurities the business brings and how being beautiful does not mean your body image is good. I will use this ted talk to quote her real definition of beauty. Mid-way through the talk Russell states statistics about children and body image; this should be useful in my research paper. I will also use this ted talk to talk about the photo shop used by the media to make women look almost unobtainable. I found a lot of the information in this ted talk relating back to my scholarly article. Concept of airbrushing and the statistics on girls with body insecurities tie this ted talk back to the previous article. Gaillet, Lynee, Abgela Hall-Goodsey, and Jennifer L. Vala. Guide To First Year Writing. Southlake: Fountianhead, 2013. Print. In The Guide To First Year Writing I found many pages to help with the research ortion of this paper. I found pages 81-89 very useful in this respect. Pages I will use for my paper are pages 90 and 91 . The section regarding argument and thesis gave the most information. These pages helped me narrow my topic down into a reasonable thesis to get started. Page 92 helped me plan my counterarguments and helped me make sure I was not undermining my main point. I plan to use a couple quotes in my paper and this chapter helped me correct my format as well as understand the in text citations. This book relates back to my other sources in that it can help me structure my argument and keep on topic.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Politics exam Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Politics exam - Term Paper Example They oppose every form of subsidies and bailouts of the government to business, labor, and/or any other special interest. Government is not supposed to compete with private business. 4. According to Locke, all men are created the same, and the creator endowed them with given unalienable rights, and these include Life, Liberty and seek to attain Happiness. These are the natural rights that are most obvious. He believes that human beings have natural right to life, safety, happiness, property, and many other things. 5. Nozick thinks that a state will freely emerge from the state of nature because in state of nature, an individual can enforce his/her own rights, defend him/herself, demand and obtain retribution, and punish. He views these rights as boundaries which circumscribe a region of moral space around a person. 6. Marx’s main idea is about socioeconomic development corresponding to changes in the conditions of materials ‘technology and productive capacity’ are the main influence on the way the society and the economy are arranged. 8. The difference principle is a conception that is strongly egalitarian in the sense that unless there exists a distribution that makes both people involved better off, an equal distribution should be preferred. 1. Hate speech is a speech that is outside the law that attacks an individual or group on the grounds of attributes like gender, religion, ethnic origin, disability, race, or sexual orientation and it should be banned. In law, hate speech entails any speech, conduct or gesture, writing, or display that has been forbidden since it can incite violence or prejudicial acts against or by a protected person or group, or because it intimidates or disparages a protected group or individual. Providers of communication theories give some insight into the harms that are caused by hate speech. According to the communication’s ritual model, racist expressions
Friday, November 1, 2019
International Purchasing and Supply-Chain Management Essay - 1
International Purchasing and Supply-Chain Management - Essay Example The company is acclaimed for maintaining the highest inventory turnover, the highest sales per square foot and the highest operating profit margin in the retail industry since the last ten years. The transition of Wal-Mart from being a local retailer to a global retail giant has been largely driven by the unique and excellent supply chain management of the company. Wal-Mart has implemented a low cost strategy in its business and makes profit through large volume sales. The company is characterized by advanced inventory management systems, aggressive pricing policies, a unique retail and supply chain distribution system and has needed very less promotion and advertising in its journey to become one of the biggest private companies in the world. Wal-Mart is a retailing giant famous for its innovative business practices and is one of the first businesses to implement a centralized distribution system. The company has been renowned for continually integrating the latest technologies into its supply chain processes. Discussion The efficient supply chain management system of Wal-Mart is a major driver for the success of the company as a leading retail giant. The supply chain model of the business is formed by the effective integration of the purchasing, manufacturing, warehousing and distributing processes (Lysons and Farrington 2005, p.90). The supply chain of Wal-Mart implements four main strategies: technology, cross docking, vendor partnerships and distribution management and integration. Wal-Mart operates both retail outlets and distribution centres constitute its supply chain network. The supply chain of Wal-Mart comprises of 95 Distribution facilities and around 1500 stores operating all across the world. The distribution centres hold different types of merchandising goods varying from eatables to clothing and accessories. Procurement and Distribution The supply chain of Wal-Mart starts with the process of strategic sourcing to identify the proper suppliers wh o can provide the products at the best possible prices and can meet the huge demand level of the retail giant. Wal-Mart has entered into strategic collaborations with a major number of suppliers and has guaranteed sourcing products at lowest possible expenses by providing the suppliers with opportunity for high volume sales over a long period of time (Martin, 2006, p.156). The company maintains a strong logistics network comprising of the largest employee base for fleet of private trucks consisting of around 8000 drivers who were involved in the delivery of the goods from the distribution centres to the stores of Wal-Mart. The distribution centres of Wal-Mart comprised of general merchandise, as well as food and clothing distribution centres. The products are picked up from the warehouse of the suppliers by the trucking division of Wal-Mart and then transported to the distribution centres of Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart has formulated standardized labelling and consignment sizes to ensure tha t the shipments were easily transferred across the distribution centres. The consignments are cross docked to the inbound trailers. The supply chain follows a uniform operating and distribution process throughout its supply chain. Each of these distribution centres are designed in a way to provide maximum support to the stores with similar kinds of merchandise being stacked together Hub and Spoke Design The establishment of Wal-Mart’s stores was directly driven by the distribution strategies of the business. The opening of the first distribution centre of the business was a significant investment strategy of the company and was aimed at attaining economies of scale. So the location of the stores was selected such that the distance could be covered within one
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