Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Job Satisfaction Statistical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Job Satisfaction Statistical Analysis - Essay Example As the paper stresses the statistics presented at this stage did not contribute to the validation of either the null or the alternate hypothesis but more generally fortified the claim that job dissatisfaction was high among practitioners of this particular profession. Therefore, at his point, one can critique the mentioned research on the basis of its having including statistics which may be deemed irrelevant with the context of the hypothesis set. This essay declares that the criticism here is the same as above. In brief, the statistics cited are relevant to neither the null nor the alternate hypothesis. Certainly, the researchers proved the existence of a problem within the profession as indicated by statistics signaling that the greater majority planned to retire the profession. However, while one may logically assume that the stated intention is reflective of job satisfaction, the fact is that this is an unproven assumption, unsupported by the set of statistics provided by the re searchers. Hence, within the context of this particular research, the statistical data employed proved high turnover ad a lack of organizational commitment but neither proven the null nor the alternate hypotheses. The null hypothesis, that positive work experience is positively related to job satisfaction was supported through statistical data collected from quantitative questionnaires distributed among the sample population.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Impacting factors on human social service Essay Example for Free
Impacting factors on human social service Essay Socio cultural factors are norms, values, beliefs, material and non material objects that are passed on from one generation to another in any given society .Socio cultural factors are crucial in any developmental aspect of a community.(Noyo Ndangwe p230) There is considerable interest in analyzing these factors that are impacting on human social service delivery and these are economic, religion, political and socio-cultural factors which are of special significance because of their tendency to shape the context or foundation for the operation of any other set of factors that operate upon human social service delivery. In this regard, we will try to look at one factor, that is, Socio cultural factor how it is impacting on human social service delivery. First and foremost would like to define the key concepts this assignment. 1. Socio means interaction. 2. Culture means the beliefs, customs, practices, and social behaviour of a particular nation or people. 3. Factors mean something that contributes to or has an influence on the outcome of something. 4 Impacting means to have an immediate and strong effect on something or somebody. 5 Social Service These are welfare programs aimed at enriching human life 6 Delivery means taking something to somebody. The first to way to discuss this will be to try to analyse how socio-cultural factors affect the performance of Primary Health Care. There is now a large body of literature on the social and cultural determinants of health which ‘refer to both the specific features and pathways by which societal conditions affect health. The WHO has, for example, identified a number of socio cultural factors and conditions. The list of factors includes (i) cultural beliefs and taboos, (ii) gender inequality, and (iii) the urban – rural divide. The socio-cultural factors impacting on health will differ between societies and even within sub-cultures within the same society. Thus the factors in a developed society will tend to differ from those that are operative in a backward, underdeveloped society. Factors such as urban-rural migration, unemployment, education, gender inequality, lack of money, transportation, distance to health facility, cultural inhibition, fear of going alone to health facilities, inability to make informed choices and the need to obtain permission from some authority figure such as the husband in the case of some married women have been cited (Social Determinants of Health: Nigerian Perspective: 2005). Social cultural taboos and social meanings attached to certain diseases and their causes are other socio cultural factors that are impacting on service delivery. Cultural beliefs and taboos Cultural beliefs and taboos impact upon the performance of the Primary Health Care in several ways. First, they shape forms of behaviour that lead to certain health outcomes. As an example, consider beliefs about fertility and family planning. People living in rural areas tend to want to have more children and not to want to use the more modern methods of family control (PHC, WHO: 2004). This has implication for population growth, the incidence of child and maternal mortality and the number in the population seeking access to health care. As another example, we can also consider the case of beliefs about HIV/AIDS. Quoting a UNESCO Report, Kickbusch et al (2002:4-5) have observed that in some parts of Africa, ‘people believe that clean and well-dressed individuals cannot become infected or that having sexual intercourse with a virgin will cure AIDS’. Ladipo et al (2003) have also reported a study on the perceptions of Gate keepers, the custodians of cultural beliefs and moral norms, about sexuality and HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. Using in-depth interviews with teachers, media representatives, religious, political and traditional leaders and focus group discussions among parents the study reported that the culture downplayed the sexual mode of transmitting the disease; ‘condom promotion was not accepted on religious grounds by most participants. Cultural beliefs not only also shape how individuals respond to forms of disease and illness but also choices about which forms of care should be accessed. For example, cultural beliefs about certain forms of disease may lead to silence and denial thus creating veritable grounds for the continuation of behaviours and actions that promote the disease (Human Rights Watch, 2002). Studies of the social meaning of infertility in Nigeria have shown that beliefs about infertility play a determinant role in interpretation and treatment of infertility. Following these beliefs, most people used three treatment outlets: ‘churches (spiritualists), traditional healers and hospitals (orthodox medical treatment)’ (Okonofua et al 1997:211). Gender inequality Gender inequality impacts the Primary Health Care system through its contribution to lower status, lack of empowerment, higher rates of illiteracy, and higher levels of poverty for women. As in the case of illiteracy, these factors translate into higher incidence of ill-health for women and paradoxically, their lower capacity to access health care. For example, women with less education have less control over their sexual activities and therefore also more affected by sexually transmitted diseases. For example, HIV/AIDS which is transmitted largely through sexual activities is more prevalent among women than among men. The relative lack of control over their sexual choices also means that many more women get pregnant than should be the case. This has implications for fertility and maternal mortality rates. Women therefore have a higher need to access health care especially at the PHC level. Only women generally tend to need the permission of men to access health facilities. Poverty is also higher among women in the population than men. These factors suggest that women will also have a lower capacity to meet their health needs even when facilities exist to provide for those needs. The urban – rural divide The urban – rural divide is implicated in the differences in living conditions between urban and rural areas, in the distribution of the population between the two areas and in several other factors. Differences in these factors impact upon the performance of PHC in a number of ways. First, it imposes different challenges on PHC in urban and rural areas. It has been observed for example, that living conditions, especially with respect to the availability of electricity, good roads, water, transportation, communication, poverty and quality of life tend to be much higher in urban than rural areas (Imoudu, 1995). The implication of this is the tendency for PHC units to be better staffed and equipped in urban areas than rural areas. It is thus not surprising to find that storage facilities for drugs are better in urban areas than rural areas (Gupta et al, 2004). Professional health personnels are also more reluctant to accept postings to rural areas. Another implication is the pattern and distribution of the disease burden between urban and rural areas. Given the fact that urban areas have more PHC facilities and that other secondary and tertiary health care facilities tend to be located in them, the health needs of urban populations tend to be better served than those of rural areas. There will therefore tend to be more pressure on PHC facilities in rural areas. If we take into consideration the additional factor of higher poverty in the rural areas, the lower capacity of rural communities to access health care when they need it will translate into worse health indices in the rural areas than urban areas. However it should be noted that socio cultural factors also impact positively in human service delivery in the following ways. Traditional medicines have become part or alternatives were modern medicine has failed. That not all in certain areas use of socio cultural factors has enhanced social service delivery in the areas of ceremonies which bring in foreign exchange and general leading to an improved standard of life of the prior to the kuomboka ceremony of the lozi people of western province, roads are graded, buildings painted, the towns and villages cleaned hospitality industry also takes a new shape which is a plus in service delivery. CONCLUSION Socio cultural factors are norms, values, beliefs, material and non material objects that are passed on from one generation to another in any given society. As we looked at how socio-cultural factors affect the performance of Primary Health Care we have noted that socio cultural factors are crucial in any developmental aspect of a community The socio-cultural factors impacting on health will differ between societies and even within sub-cultures within the same society. The WHO has, for example, identified a number of socio cultural factors and conditions. The list of factors includes (i) cultural beliefs and taboos, (ii) gender inequality, and (iii) the urban – rural divide. The socio-cultural factors impacting on health will differ between societies and even within sub-cultures within the same society. Cultural beliefs and taboos impact upon the performance of the Primary Health Care in several ways. First, they shape forms of behaviour that lead to certain health outcomes. Gender inequality impacts the Primary Health Care system through its contribution to lower status, lack of empowerment, higher rates of illiteracy, and higher levels of poverty for women. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Dr. Festus Iyayi, (2009), Socio cultural factors impacting upon Primary Health Care in Nigeria, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria 2. Global Health Watch (2004) Global Health Action, edited by Whyte, A., McCoy, D and Rowson, M, Russell Press 3. Noyoo. N, (2000), Social Policies and Social Services in Zambia. UNZA Publishers, Lusaka, Zambia. 4. Oxford advanced learners dictionary (2002).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay example --
Many people, especially women, are plagued with fat storage in their lower bodies including their hips and thighs. Spot reduction isn't possible, and to reduce this dreaded jiggle, you must lose fat from your entire body through diet, cardio and strength training. (See References 1) A daily workout plan can keep you on track, and ensure that you're putting in the work required to reach your goal. Cardio On Most Days Cardio burns calories that can help you lose weight from your entire body including from your wobbly bits. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults do at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio a week. (See References 2) You can accumulate this by scheduling a 30-minute cardio session on five days of the week. Focus on leg-intense cardio that engages your hips and thighs. Go ice skating, jog, walk briskly, take a kickboxing or step-aerobics class, or use a stair climber or an elliptical machine. Strength Training Twice a Week Muscle tissue burn more calories than fat even when you're resting. (See References 3) To stimulate muscle tissue as y...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cat In The Rain Essay
From the literary analysis I wrote, I want my readers to be able to read and understand the special relationship of the husband and wife in Ernest Hemmingway’s â€Å"Cat in the Rain.†Some critics believed that the cat representing the American wife’s desire for a child. From the first time we read Hemingway’s short story, I immediately jumped to conclusions such as the couple did not really like each other or maybe they just had a barrier in the relationship. I discovered from other critics online and through other members of the class, that I was not the only one who thought so. It was not very difficult to write the second paragraph of this paper. Many parts of the story and pieces from the articles had lots to say about the American wife and her barrier from her husban d. The paragraph about George was more difficult for me because for most of the story, he remained in the room reading throughout the story. By writing an annotation and a literary analysis over the same Hemingway story helped me to see the differences between them and how to critically analyze literature. I did struggle with quoting and referencing the articles that I drew information from, but I felt like I did my best on the writing portion of the paper. I didn’t learn much quite as much in my Comp 1 class, but I have been able to take and learn a lot from this class. Literature and writing essays has never been my strong area, but I have been able to appreciate learning what we have so far!
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Battling over bottled water
Spring, which is on a private deer-hunting ranch, to the bottling plant. Locals are questioning whom the water Nestle is pumping belongs to. The argument is that although Nestle owns the land, the water is a public resource. Within the Utilitarian theory, in the eyes of the Nestle Company, their actions can be deemed ethical for the fact that the bottling plant has created a substantial amount of jobs for the locals. It was stated that the 262 million gallons of water being pumped are less than one percent of the annual charge rate of the local watershed.The sacrifice of a small percentage of the public body of water to create jobs and bottled water is ethical within the utilitarian theory. In Robert Nick's entitlement theory, you are entitled to as much property as you want, as long as it was acquired the right way. Sanctuary Springs is viewed as a public source of water. Which means Nestle is completely entitled to use the water, whether that means drinking it or pumping it to a bo ttling plant. Nestles actions are completely ethical within Nick's theory.Under John Rails theory of ethics, Nestles actions are ethical as well. Rails theory states that the action must benefit the weakest members of society. The company has built bottling plant that employs about a hundred people. Town ship supervisor Maxine McClellan is has stated â€Å"This is probably the best project we've ever brought into Mascots County†¦ A diversified economy where our kids don't have to move away to find jobs.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Bakke essays
Bakke essays In 1973 a thirty-three year old Caucasian male named Allan Bakke applied to and was denied admission to the University of California Medical School at Davis. In 1974 he filed another application and was once again rejected, even though his t est scores were considerably higher than various minorities that were admitted under a special program. This special program specified that 16 out of 100 possible spaces for the students in the medical program were set aside solely for minorities, while the other 84 slots were for anyone who qualified, including minorities. What happened to Bakke is known as reverse discrimination. Bakke felt his rejections to be violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment, so he took the University of California Regents to the Superior Court of California. It was ruled that "the admissions program violated his rights under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. The clause reads as follows: "...No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor without due process of the law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." The court ruled that race could not be a factor in admissions. However, they did not force the admittance of Bakke because the court could not know if he would have been admitted if the special admissions program for minorities did not exist . Bakke disagreed with the court on this issue and he brought it before the California Supreme Court. The California Supreme Court held that it was the University's burden to prove that Bakke would not have been admitted if the special program was not in effect. The school could not meet this requirement, and Bakke was admitted by court order. However, the University appealed to the Supreme Court for "certiorari", which was granted, and the order to admit Bakke was suspended pending the Court's decision. ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
feminism views essays
feminism views essays Women have always been a mans dependent. These two sexes have never shared the world in equality. Even in our day and age women are still heavily suppressed. I would have to say that things have certainly changed since the 1700s, 1800s, and early 1900s. Women today are progressing into the world with freedom. They have the power to be who they want to be and are no longer told who they should be. Women are getting better jobs, higher political status, and more importantly, a role in society to which they have no boundaries. Women are no longer stuck in the house. Instead they are providing for their families not only emotionally, but also financially. Today gender identity is becoming less important. This issue is central not only to public policy, but also too private relationships as well. We wouldnt be where we are today if it wasnt for the hard work and determination of people like Mary Wollstonecraft, John Stuart Mill, Emmiline Pankhurst, and Simone de Beauvoir. Most women are n o longer facing the hardships of the 1700s, 1800s, and early 1900s. With limited education, economic rights, or social respect, women were excluded of having a voice in society. As they grew older a womans intellect gave way to beauty and social graces. At this time the only way they could succeed in the world was by marriage. Women were thought as only existing for men. Men respected women, because they were their servants, made their clothes and food, and took care of their family. In their struggle for equal rights, women faced strong opposition. Opponents argued that feminist demands would threaten society by undermining marriage and family. The Government went to great lengths to suppress women by refusing them an education. Keeping them in ignorance would subdue them. When feminism first began the only demands made by women were a better education and a respectful position in society. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Improve Your Business Writing Skills (A Step-by-Step Guide)
Improve Your Business Writing Skills (A Step-by-Step Guide) It can be confusing when we either realize or are told that we need to â€Å"improve our business writing skills.†â€Å"Better business writing" is a murky goal. How then, do we improve our business writing skills? In this post, I am going to outline six steps to start improving your Englishbusiness writing today.This goes beyond business writing tips and tricks and lays out a simple step-by-step process for improvement. You will learn how to correct common mistakes, tricks for better formatting, and how to reduce errors in your writing. 1. Remove the Emotions We can feel a little hurt or defensive any time a weakness is highlighted. Many clients have told me that writing was not something they enjoyed in school and memories of a mean English teacher with a red pen poised to slash an essay apart is still vivid. For others, even though they enjoyed writing in school, they realize that business writing is a somewhat different skill than academic writing. Whatever the emotional response, let it go. The truth is everyone needs to write well at work to succeed. If we’re good at, our careers opportunities improve. Turning your attention to improving your busines writing is all good! Let go of any negative emotions and focus on the career benefit and ease of knowing exactly how to tackle the task of better writing at work. 2. Identify Your Particular Weaknesses and Strengths This can be challenging if the only feedback we have received is we â€Å"need to improve.†Where to begin? There are so many embedded skills in business writing, so it’s important to understand what is working and what needs improvement. There are three essential metrics for business writing: Separate the information/substance/content of a document from the words that express that information/substance/content. There is the information, and there are the words that express that information. We have to look at these separately to identify strengths and weaknesses. Reflect on the information contained in your typical documents. Do your readers have the information they need? Is it logically grouped? Does it flow logically? This is the information or substance of your document. Reflect on the words you use to express the information. This is the syntax, or the way you use words. For a deeper analysis of this issue, read Improve Business Writing Skills to Measure What Matters. While it’s possible to review your business writing skills, it’s hard to be truly objective because we know the facts of our documents so well and we understand what we are trying to express. A professional business writing assessment, which should always be part of a good business writing course is always the best measurement. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, '39de76fa-b005-4d0a-9136-a9a423513681', {}); 3. Review and Correct Your Information and Organization First One of my grandmother’s favorite expressions was â€Å"that’s just putting lipstick on a pig†when someone tried to improve or polish something that was innately flawed. Trying to fix the language and words in your business documents before the information and substance is accurate, relevant, and well organized is just like putting lipstick on a pig. Sentence improvements will never fix gaps in content or disorganization. Review several documents you’ve written at work lately. Review varying types of documents and include email and reports. To hone good information and organization: Define your audience clearly Overtly state the purpose of a document - â€Å"I need my audience to know or do X.†Decide on the major categories of information necessary for your defined reader to know or do what you want. Develop details around these major categories of information. Sequence the information logically. What category would lead best and what category should close? Remember the acronym B.L.O.T - bottom line on top. 90% of business documents should begin with the information most important to your audience. This beginning statement should be the purpose statement you identified while you analyzed your audience. The concluding information should elicit the business response you seek.For example, let’s imagine you are an insurance sales representative and a client has inquired about adding additional flood insurance to her homeowner’s insurance policy. You know this coverage would be beneficial to her, and it would increase business, so you want your reader to understand the benefits and purchase the additional coverage. Your introduction could be:The additional flood insurance coverage would protect your home if it were to flood because of hurricanes, river overflows, or excessive rain. All of these hazards have increased in your area i n the past five years by 36%. Your conclusion should make it easy for your reader to act as you need:To enact this coverage, please sign the enclosed coverage agreement on both pages three and five. Scan the signed coverage agreement into a PDF document and email it back to me by May 13. Look back at your sample work documents. By following these steps, can verify that your information is correct? And, breaking it down will help you identify where you tend to lose focus. 4. Review and Correct Your Format Next Study several different documents you wrote in the past few weeks and ask yourself what formatting enhancements would make them easier to scan. Helpful format elements are: Headings above document categories Indenting text to show it’s a sub-element of the previous information Bullet and number lists Lots of white space Short paragraphs Appropriate use of bold and emphatic text 5. Now It’s Time to Review and Correct Language Everyone makes different grammar and stylistic errors, so nothing will improve your business writing as well as business writing training that includes a professional instructor review of your writing. If that is not possible, you will need to self-diagnose your language and grammar. Grammar Diagnosis Run at least ten recent documents through Grammarly. Grammarly is an excellent spelling and grammar checker that will flag errors and explain what is wrong. You want to look for patterns. If, for example, Grammarly tells you that you made three â€Å"me, myself, and I†errors across your documents, accept that as a strong indicator that â€Å"me, myself, and I†usage is an error you need to correct. Run all of your documents through Grammarly and compile a list of all the errors Grammarly diagnosed. Grammarly is not foolproof, but it’s quite good. Without a professional review of your business writing, it’s the best objective assessment. Grammar Correction The best grammar resource on the Internet is the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL). Use the search button on Purdue’s OWL and search for the first error in your compiled list. Purdue OWL has detailed explanations and exercises to help clarify your understanding and use of that grammar rule. Stay with the exercises until your grammar understanding of this first error is corrected. Once you feel comfortable with your correction of your first grammar error, then move on to the next. Make sure you’re comfortable with your new grammar skills before you move on because grammar correction is primarily a habit of practice. Your grammar skills will improve from awareness and practice. How to Hone Clarity Business writing is notoriously bloated. Instead, business documents should be clear and concise. Fewer words are better than more. Bloat typically creeps in through sloppy verb use. Clarity Correction #1: â€Å"Unsmother†Your Verbs Focus on verbs. They are the action of a sentence, and the best opportunity to enhance clarity. Imagine watching a Bruce Willis movie that shows Bruce napping or knitting or whittling on a park bench for 90 minutes. Bored yet? So too are readers if your writing has little action or wimpy verbs. This article will explain smothered verbs in detail. You will cut at least 25% of unnecessary words by simply â€Å"unsmothering†verbs. Let the verb do its job in a sentence without smothering add-on words. The impact on business writing clarity is amazing. Business Writing Clarity Strategy #2: Avoid Adverbs Choose powerful verbs that connote meaning, which don't need a second modifying word to do their job! For instance: "The attendant shouted loudly." "The attendant shouted," is a perfect sentence. "Loudly" is inferred and extraneous. "The executive ran quickly into the boardroom." "Ran quickly" is wasteful. Pick a better verb. "The executive sprinted into the boardroom" is concise, visual, and lively. Business Writing Clarity Strategy #3: Recognize the Power of Short Words. Years back, some business writers felt they conveyed their intelligence more by using long words when short words worked better. Long words don’t make you sound intelligent unless used very skillfully and judiciously. In the wrong situation, they’ll have the opposite effect, making you sound pretentious and arrogant. They’re also less likely to be understood and more awkward to read. I've always loved Hemingway's response when Faulkner criticized him for his limited word choice: Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words? He thinks I don’t know the ten-dollar words. I know them all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use. Example: Fine, but can be improved: It has never been a good writing practice to use big words indiscriminately. Better: It has never been a good writing practice to use big words needlessly. ("Needlessly" is shorter and simpler than "indiscriminately.") Best: It has never been a good writing practice to bloat with big words. (More powerful verb "bloat" instead of the vague verb "use" eliminates the need for modifying adverb "needlessly.") Remember this maxim about business writing: Write to express, not to impress. Good business writers use short words and fewer words well. Richard Lederer sings the praises of the short word to enhance clarity in his book, The Miracle of Language: Here is a sound rule: Use small, old words where you can. If a long word says just what you want to say, do not fear to use it. But know that our tongue is rich in crisp, brisk, swift, short words. Make them the spine and the heart of what you speak and write. Short words are like fast friends. They will not let you down. 6.Ongoing Improvement To Your Business Writing Read good business writing blogs. Our blog addresses business writing improvement specifically. Join 25,000 other monthly readers by subscribing to our newsletter here. Grammar Girl will explain the nuances of grammar very well. Read good writing. Read anything that interests you that is written well - novels, newspapers, good blogs, short stories, or essays. This helps you developskills needed for good writing. If you want to hone clarity, read anything by Theodore White or the short stories of Andre DuBus. These six steps will diagnose and improve your business writing skills. If tackling all of this on your own is too much, contact us for information about business writing courses.We’re here to help.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Shakespeare adaptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Shakespeare adaptions - Essay Example Taking into account the works of Zeffirelli and Luhrmann, it is possible to agree with Tatspaugh and her vision of film adaptations and new approaches to the tragedies of love. Critics underline that modern adaptations of Romeo and Juliet comprise a composite art of story-telling, by which the film maker claims and rewards the attention of his viewers while ensuring that they will be alerted to everything they should know. Alterations may also be justified because of the centuries that stand between Shakespeare and the modern audience. Following Zeffirelli, it is the responsibility of film makers to bridge this gap to the classics and imagine that the author had been able "to write that play today for us" (Zeffirellia 257). So Romeo and Juliet's love-making in the film was appropriately more physical than Shakespeare's circumstances permitted. A movie-maker who seeks a popular audience must also mediate boldly between the original theatrical medium and film: "cinema creates a different chemistry with the audience, a different taste, and the attention of the audience moves so fastfantasy gallops in the audience in movies (Zeffirellia 261)your mind flashes-f lashes-flashes" (263). Dramatization of the timeless conflict between generations allows film maker to attract young audience to the play. Film adaptations of Romeo and Juliet are linked to youth culture and the pedagogical implications of Shakespeare's popularization on film. Popularization has meant the proliferation of representations, on the one hand, and thus an enlargement of what can be legitimately studied as part of the Shakespeare canon. Critics admit that these changes lead to the disappearance of a single, unified Shakespeare whose works. Two reasons make Zeffirelli's success as a "popularizer": costs of filmmaking and power to make audiences laugh and weep. In his approach to Romeo and Juliet, his characteristic accent on youth was of the essence. For his production of the play he chose unusually young principals and cast. Certainly his film draws on similar youth-culture, generation-gap appeals. As he recounts in his Autobiography, the fact that a Hollywood producers teenage son was moved by what he saw of the film in progress was crucial in the producer's decision to fund its completion (Zeffirellib, 228-29). For the most part Zeffirelli seems to let the story tell itself, pausing in places to admire the beauty of the lovers' faces and bodies, but in a compelling away entering into the story's own pace, rhythm, and points of climax, which he emphasizes by lavish use of background music. Deliberately calling attention to a social space, the film makers appropriates Romeo and Juliet as a mirror in which youth might confront the romantic relations and their prevailing social order. Luhrmann attempts to change the "original" staging conditions and portray the play as a modern drama. Romeo and Juliet is no less integrated, but in it the director's hand is less obtrusive. As before he allows his inventiveness several virtuoso displays-the opening brawl, the ball, the duels-all of them handled in his characteristically supercharged, richly textured style. Luhrmann changes em otional gears in mid-course, as he delineates the problems that confront the marriage (Palmer n.d.). Aspiration toward timeliness, although it helps to attract paying customers, need not lead to a cheapening of the original. The film makers have not succumbed to the too-easy updating that can come with
Friday, October 18, 2019
The weakness of using Fackbook and Twitter for consumer engagement Essay
The weakness of using Fackbook and Twitter for consumer engagement with the firm - Essay Example The other extra duties of this individual or individuals include monitoring as well as responding to questions and comments robbing marketing department off necessary hands on personnel in keeping the company afloat (Hu, 2011). This is especially a problem for small companies or start-ups with limited resources. In this sense, social media presents a weakness in increasing a firm’s running overheads without necessary guarantee for increased revenue. Facebook and Twitter may pose a weakness in a firm’s engagement with its customers due to having a wrong strategy for online branding (Kuzgun, 2013). This could put the firm at a viral social disadvantage and could even end up damaging the firm’s reputation. Few people will most probably notice mistakes made offline, but when the mistakes regarding a firm’s portrayal are made online, they are immediately noted by many and spread over the net. This is aggravated by the fact that bad news or negativity on Facebook and Twitter trends faster than good news for gossip is considered juicy while normal news is boring. The online interactive media like any other Information Technology field is highly prone to threats of hacking or malicious compromise of content (Thomases, 2010). The hackers may be out to malign the firm and jeopardize its online marketing efforts through posting false tweets. There has been evidence and news of hackings into Facebook and Twitter accounts of established and renowned companies sending the message across the business world that really no firm is invisible. This loophole mat cost the firm its reputation negating the intentions to use social media in the first place. Social marketing is also seen as somewhat intrusive. Some ardent members on Facebook and Twitter feel that advertisement placement through collection of member information from these sites is intruding on their privacy and that confidentiality is compromised. This causes marketing efforts to be met
Mangroves and Development in Indonesia Case Study
Mangroves and Development in Indonesia - Case Study Example This paper stresses that the mangrove ecosystem provides sanctuary for migratory and indigenous birds. The mangrove forests are not free from human destruction and intervention just like other coastal ecosystems. Traditionally, the small communities at the coastal regions managed the forests at a sustainable level. However, the intense utilization of the forests has resulted in a steadily worsening state of the forests. In addition, the mangrove ecosystem has become an easy source of wood for construction and fueling as well as the waste disposal and production of food.This study declares that the vegetation extends approximately 80 kilometers of the Jakarta bay at the coast of Jarkarta in Indonesia. The report provides a plan for the management of mangrove forest in the region of Jakarta, Indonesia. The Indonesian coastline is approximately 81,000 km in length and it comprises of about 17,000 islands. The country has various coastal ecosystems that support different species and p rovide various services to the habitants and the community. The main ecosystem of the Indonesian coastline entails the coral reefs, mangrove forests, algal beds, seagrass-beds, estuaries, mudflats and beach vegetation. The factors that promote the destruction of the coastline ecosystem in Indonesia include population growth, high population density, effects of tourisms and the high rates of urbanization in the region.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
How to be a good accountant in the future Essay
How to be a good accountant in the future - Essay Example To investigate and come up with clear responses of professional accountants, in various work settings. Background Recently, many things have developed relating to bookkeepers and their job. Many companies have lost money in unclear circumstances and this has caused many companies to lose trust in many accountants. However, it is unclear whether the mistakes and problems that many companies face emanate from the errors and unethical behaviors of accountants. For this reasons, it good to find out what makes or breaks an accounting reputation. Approach or method This research will employ the use of questionnaires, samples survey as sources of information concerning the ethical standards of accountants. This will answer the questions concerning their future accounting profession improvement. The proposed literature The proposed literature will base on the factors behind a good accounting job and the negatives associated with it; it will give the significance of the investigation to the u pcoming of bookkeeping professionals. The Gantt chart Gantt chart Task Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April Research proposal Poster creation Literature review Data collection Analysis of Results Presentation of the results Introduction Studies indicate that, many organizations in recent times face scandalous financial situations. These incidences have been associated with accountants who work as employees in various business organizations in different settings in the world. Several businesses have lost cash in the course and the reason of the basis of the problem is uncertain, which has stained the reputation of several businesses. As a result, big and small companies are losing out in terms of business performance and profit making. The blunders leading to the deprived performance are alleged to be caused bookkeeping specialists. In some cases, the mistakes have been associated with the management as a whole; this is because the organization is involved in the decisions that influ ence the working of the auditors. In either way, what the accountants do affects the management and in reverse, the decisions made by the management influences accounting behaviors. This means that there are a number of issues revolving around the same issue of why many organizations have lost trust in accountants as professionals. For this reason, there is need to carry out an extensive research on the issues surrounding accounting as a field of professionalism. Before looking at that, here are some important facts about accounting; this will form the footing about bookkeeping and certified public auditor in particular. According to studies, it is through accounting that a mechanism that provides data, which is a crucial concerning the financial status of an organization in relation to business matters. The information found through this way is essential for investors because it gives critical details, which could be used as the determining factors in line with the decisions the in vestors have to make before investing. It may also help in determining whether the investors could opt not to invest in the organization, as the financial information may not be appealing to them. This will be viewed in terms of return on investments that the organization may receive after the investments. Regarding a good image of a corporate, moral or ethical and expert bookkeeping, comprises a clear image of a corporate financially. This forms the basis on which company managers are set to make informed decisions and shape the
Capital Punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Capital Punishment - Essay Example One of the biggest flaws that can be found in the way that the survey was conducted is the fact that opinions were reached based on what a person was, as opposed to what they actually felt and believed in regards to the capital punishment. Religious and political preferences were looked at during the statistical portion of the research, though those bits of information can hardly scrape the surface of what people think. It was assumed that due to these standings, specific beliefs were automatically held. The survey was more focused on groups, organizations, and cultural beliefs, than those of individuals were. What was good about the survey was that it did consider varying groups of people and did not limit itself to just one specific section. However, what were not made clear were the reasons that these people had for being for or against capital punishment. Very little was spoken of the methodology actually involved in capital punishment, so it was unclear about what citizens were agreeing or disagreeing to, and why. Whether capital punishment is a good path to take with criminals or not is entirely up to individuals, including those that have the power to do something about keeping capital punishment around or ridding of it entirely. It has already been stated that it is considered unconstitutional, yet very little seems to be done about defending or agreeing with that given claim. It should also be considered that, in further studies, individual opinion be noted, and not just what is based on the religious or political reference.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
How to be a good accountant in the future Essay
How to be a good accountant in the future - Essay Example To investigate and come up with clear responses of professional accountants, in various work settings. Background Recently, many things have developed relating to bookkeepers and their job. Many companies have lost money in unclear circumstances and this has caused many companies to lose trust in many accountants. However, it is unclear whether the mistakes and problems that many companies face emanate from the errors and unethical behaviors of accountants. For this reasons, it good to find out what makes or breaks an accounting reputation. Approach or method This research will employ the use of questionnaires, samples survey as sources of information concerning the ethical standards of accountants. This will answer the questions concerning their future accounting profession improvement. The proposed literature The proposed literature will base on the factors behind a good accounting job and the negatives associated with it; it will give the significance of the investigation to the u pcoming of bookkeeping professionals. The Gantt chart Gantt chart Task Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April Research proposal Poster creation Literature review Data collection Analysis of Results Presentation of the results Introduction Studies indicate that, many organizations in recent times face scandalous financial situations. These incidences have been associated with accountants who work as employees in various business organizations in different settings in the world. Several businesses have lost cash in the course and the reason of the basis of the problem is uncertain, which has stained the reputation of several businesses. As a result, big and small companies are losing out in terms of business performance and profit making. The blunders leading to the deprived performance are alleged to be caused bookkeeping specialists. In some cases, the mistakes have been associated with the management as a whole; this is because the organization is involved in the decisions that influ ence the working of the auditors. In either way, what the accountants do affects the management and in reverse, the decisions made by the management influences accounting behaviors. This means that there are a number of issues revolving around the same issue of why many organizations have lost trust in accountants as professionals. For this reason, there is need to carry out an extensive research on the issues surrounding accounting as a field of professionalism. Before looking at that, here are some important facts about accounting; this will form the footing about bookkeeping and certified public auditor in particular. According to studies, it is through accounting that a mechanism that provides data, which is a crucial concerning the financial status of an organization in relation to business matters. The information found through this way is essential for investors because it gives critical details, which could be used as the determining factors in line with the decisions the in vestors have to make before investing. It may also help in determining whether the investors could opt not to invest in the organization, as the financial information may not be appealing to them. This will be viewed in terms of return on investments that the organization may receive after the investments. Regarding a good image of a corporate, moral or ethical and expert bookkeeping, comprises a clear image of a corporate financially. This forms the basis on which company managers are set to make informed decisions and shape the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Mergers and acquisition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mergers and acquisition - Essay Example Such companies resort to such strategy for companies to have powers over suppliers, buyers or competitors, to benefit from experience curve effects and to reduce unit costs, to turn around opportunities as in the case of Morrison’s and Safeway, as a response to turbulence, technological or regulatory and as sometimes as response to acquisitions by competitors. Reality however has a different way of validating what managers and chief executive officers believe about the prospects of merger or acquisition. It is found through surveys that not all mergers deliver the value added that is expected. This is confirmed by in its article on Making Mergers Work. Olin School of Business (n.d.) said that whether judged by the growth of shareholder value or by the new company’s performance within its industry, the results of mergers and acquisitions have been disappointing. It the suggested to consider the AOL-Time Warner mismatch and the fiasco at WorldCom, a company that failed to integrate its many acquisitions. It further mentioned a 1999 study published in the Harvard Business Review, which found that only 21 percent of acquisitions in several industries could be viewed as clear successes. Olin School of business (n.d.) telling every body that in other words, nearly 80 percent of those acquisitions were either disappointing or clear failures. It then asked the question: â€Å"How can such a commonly practiced, promising business strategy so often end in disaster?†The Harvard Business Review survey, according to Olin School of Business (n.d.) from CFOs surveys conducted from the Forbes 50 revealed the top 10 roadblocks to achieving synergies from their answers as follows: The Olin School of Business (n.d.) then mentioned that The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Foundation was intrigued
Monday, October 14, 2019
Walt Whitman’s life and works Essay Example for Free
Walt Whitman’s life and works Essay Literature is effective as a communication tool because it serves as one important vehicle of expressing one’s view through artistic form. Many literature pieces have already been found to be filled with certain ideologies so profound that it has changed people’s perspective or at least has been a vehicle of change (Mancuso). There is a certain celebration in literature nowadays on the essentially political and ideological presence in many literary pieces. One such celebrated author that many literature analysts and academicians believe to be filled with ardor for the use of literature in advocacy is Walt Whitman (Erkkila 4). Walt Whitman is considered America’s most popular and influential poet. He had humble beginnings as he was born on May 13, 1819 into a working class household in West Hills, New York. He was named after his father who was a carpenter and a farmer named Walter Whitman Sr. His father was a liberal thinker who was a fan of Thomas Paine. When Walt became four, his father moved them to Brooklyn. Once when General Lafayette visited New York, he spotted six year old Walt from the crowd and lifted him up and carried him. For Walt, that was some kind of a laying on of hands because the French hero of the American Revolution seemed like he anointed the future poet of democracy (Folsom and Price). This paper aims to situate the author on the context of his time and how his poetry is actually a reflection of the presence of political problems and political questions that arose in a rising powerful nation. There is a need to see the underlying rhetoric and styles that underwrite the general idea and opinion of the author on the many social issues that confronted him. This paper will try to cover three political issues that figured prominently in many of his texts. These are: homosexuality and the body politic, African-American and liberation, and finally the question of the Union of States. The three issues that are stated above are just some of the important factors that need to be considered in the analysis of Whitman as a political poet. Although, Walt Whitman talked about diverse issues of politics, these three are just some of the issues that figured prominently in his text and at the same time these are issues that are still being confronted today by the United States and the rest of the world. The claim of the paper is that Walt Whitman as a political poet believes that the problems of discrimination both for sexual discrimination or body politic and racial discrimination are all intertwined in the general dysfunction of what the United States believed as essence of the Union of States and democracy. When Walt was schooling, he attended a Brooklyn public school for six years. There he shared his classes with students of a variety of ages and backgrounds. In Whitman’s school, the children were huddled in one room except the African Americans who had to attend a separate class. They were segregated at the top part of the building. Waltman did not like corporal punishment and he wrote about this later in his works. One of the early influences in his life was the radical Quaker leader Elias Hicks, an acquaintance of his father and a close friend of his grandfather, Jesse. He has a happy childhood and he spend happy childhood days at the farm of his grandmother (Folsom and Price). One of Whitman’s favorite boyhood activities were his visits to his grandparents on Long Island. He loved the Long Island shore and the waters there had a different wonder for his young mind. One of his poems, Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking, was part of his reminiscences with his boyhood experiences at Long Island shore. Because of his love for visiting museums, he acquired an eclectic kind of education and became the stuff of the material for his poems. He had an informal education that worked well for his own kind of education which included literature, theater, and even music, archaeology and geography. He became a teacher even if he had an informal education. His reading and writing skills developed along the way and soon enough he was astute in the way he delineated the characters in his poems as he writes. Never before have I entertained so low an idea of the beauty and perfection of mans nature, never have I seen humanity in so degraded a shape, as here†. The situation of the homosexual in the United States during that time was no different from the African-American communities. Although to a certain degree, it was basically a peripheral issue as homosexuality is rather a private matter that was not allowed or tabooed in public discussions. There had been no incident of actual gay rights movement during the Civil War periods of the United States. The reconstruction stage of the United States has afforded many Americans to actually move away from issues of sexual discrimination. The gay rights movement only emerged in the consciousness of the United States in the early 20th century following the increasing liberal ideas in the World War (History of Minorities II). The fact however, that this was not a mainstream issue during the late 19th century figured Walt Whitman prominently in this essential task.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Unemployment And Ill Health Correlation Health And Social Care Essay
Unemployment And Ill Health Correlation Health And Social Care Essay The study of unemployment and health are inter related, if people are unemployed then it would have an adverse effect on their health and similarly if a person unhealthy then he might loose on the best opportunities of life because he would not be able to work because of the ill-health. Thus, unemployment and health have been correlated from past studies. CONTEXTUALISATION There is a association between the unemployment level and level of increasing bad health among those people. The objective of this research paper is to explore any co-existence between unemployment and health in the country, to highlight those areas in Fife where problems lie and to add to the evidence and knowledge on this subject for those working within the unemployment and health sectors. The following sections of the research paper uses information held within the Public Health Dataset to examine the relationship between unemployment and health by looking at those areas which have the highest levels of unemployment and the highest incidence of premature mortality. The dataset contains a large amount of data from administrative sources, as well as information taken from surveys. I have been assigned as a public health official working in a local authority and I strongly feel that is a causal relationship between the level of unemployment and the level of ill health. I have started my research by finding out the national data wherein I have studied the relationship between the level of unemployment and ill-health of the people and then conducted the local survey to find out the trends of the correlation. UNEMPLOYMENT AND HEALTH A LITERATURE REVIEW SUMMARY The presence of abundance literature in context of the relation between unemployment and ill health signifies the fact that unemployment and ill health co-exist. The impact of unemployment is larger in case of on the health of the people and there has been records in the past as well. From the study the results were that there is a definite relation between mental health and unemployment, and this is what will be explained in the following literature review. Similarly there is also an established link between unemployment and mortality, but this link is stronger when the research focuses on population based data, suggesting that the prevalence of unemployment can safely be used as an indicator for increased risk of mortality at a population level. METHODOLOGY Literature Search A literature search was undertaken on by our team members using the search terms: redundancy wellbeing mortality/ death morbidity heart disease cancer mental health Stroke etc. The search terms were used both as keywords and subject headings as well and condensed as appropriate to ensure that the search was as sensitive as possible. The results were restricted to English language only and to reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses. For the literature review only those articles were given preferences which present a significant correlation between the unemployment and bad health of person or an individual. These are incorporated as proof in articles which are included in this research paper, so they were not specifically included here. Also those articles that gave importance to population based studies and individual records were also incorporated. Critical Appraisal/Quality of Evidence The articles that were selected for the purpose of study were to review the summary of the topic, and these did not follow a systematic review structure. There was only a single study that took into account a large group of people, but this study was also nostalgic and it again became challenging for this sections study. Only one breakdown was recovered from the search, and while this was a fine quality article, it recognizes the limitation of only being able to include articles which considered statistical information, which are not prevalent in the current literature, leading to a possible bias in the reported results. UNEMPLOYMENT The objective of the literature review was to study unemployment in terms of a varying age group that is 16 to 65 who were unwillingly out of work. The definition of unemployment varies from an individual to individual but usually the studies based on the survey data or retrospective record linkage studies define unemployment as a state wherein a person or an individual is willing to work but unreasonably is out of work because he is not getting a job and is not able get himself employed even though he possesses the required qualification for the job. In this kind of situations we relate unemployment to the mental ill health of the people. As they possess the qualifications and still they are not able to be employed therefore, this would adversely affect the health of an individual. The following section explains that how a person suffers mental illness when he is unemployed: MENTAL HEALTH Suicide and parasuicide There is a clear relation between unemployment and suicides and this have been proven by several studies and the causal link is that when people are unemployed they cannot earn and they have no source of income, thus they do not have purchasing power even for the food and shelter. This frustration kills them and internally they keep becoming weak and thus the end results into death. According to a study approximately 50% of this increase in risk of suicide could be attributable to unemployment; however some other readings suggests that there are more evidences for psychiatric illness preceding unemployment. The comparative risk of parasuicide that is an unsuccessful suicide attempts or deliberate self harm behaviour, are clearly linked to unemployment, relative risk of parasuicidal behaviour among those who had been unemployed for more than a year compared to employed persons. The same report also identified a vertical incline in virtual risk with duration of unemployment, although poor mental health in addition decreases the opportunity for re-employment, which might explain this trend. The same relation between unemployment and suicide or parasuicide, can also be studied and proved the various levels of social support, geography, gender, age and type of employment and these seem to be confounders. Also the influence of unemployment on suicide and parasuicide is arbitrated by poverty and financial anxiety and that dishonour and social segregation also have a key role in the contribution to poor psychological health. Other mental health conditions While studying for the literature review we came across several evidences which shows a strong alliance between unemployment and increased psychological and psychiatric morbidity that is depressed because of unemployment. If the people who are unemployed live in the area where the rate of unemployment is high or comparatively larger than other place, then the unemployed individuals find themselves in a state of emotional imbalance. This report also emphasizes on the levels of depression, anxiety and somatisation regressed with re-employment or formal retirement. The unemployed people start disrupting their community and social relationships, because of their inferiority of not being employed thus there are greater risk behaviours, stress and bereavement reactions were mechanisms through which unemployment may exert a detrimental effect on health. GENDER, AGE AND OTHER ISSUES This section presents a deficiency of literature on black and minority ethnic groups and that gender is under-reported, there are several studies which emphasizes on male unemployment. While studying about the male unemployment we came across the impact of unemployed spouses, and wives were seen to feel the health effects of the unemployment of their partners through an increased risk of cancer, suicide and ischemic heart disease, suggesting that this link could be related socio-economic status rather than directly to unemployment. In case of the study done separately for the two genders the results stated that unemployment level affects more of the male section than the female gender. Age issues are also considered one of the reasons for bad health specifically at the effect of unemployment in young people, where suicide (particularly amongst young men) is a crucial issue. INFERENCE TO THE LITERATURE REVIEW: There is an established relation between unemployment and ill health. The falling level of health in context of mental wellness, are significantly related to the unemployment. Also as explained above there is a related link between unemployment and mortality rate, since the people are not mentally fit when they are unemployed, the frustration ultimately leads to death. Although the data and research proved that the affects of unemployment is higher on males and not females. Females only feel depressed when their spouse are not in a condition of facing the situation. DATA FROM THE STUDY OF RELATION BETWEEN UNEMPLOYMENT AND ILL-HEALTH (NATIONAL LEVEL) In June 2009, approximately 45 million (8.3%) people in the country were unemployed, and the figures were rapidly increasing due to the severe economic recession. In the underdeveloped countries, the rate of unemployment estimated to be very high as much as 80 to 90%. Ill health is widespread amid the unemployed, and the underlying relationship may be bidirectional. Bad health may be a cause of unemployment and thus losing employment opportunities, while, vice versa, being unemployed may have an adverse effect on ones health. Several health problems such as stress symptoms, mental disorders, hypertension, and coronary heart disease Are associated with unemployment. Many socio-demographic factors such as gender, age, edification, alcohol intake, stoutness, and other adverse life-styles modify the relationship between unemployment and health, and even unemployment and mortality. As the studies suggest from the past years, continues stress of unemployment on an individuals mind can persuade prominent changes in human invulnerable responses and that these changes are primarily arbitrated. Also, high levels of inflammation seem to socialize with several diseases, and depression. These relations suggest that high levels of inflammation might be a mediator between unemployment and ill health. On the other hand, we found only two previous studies suggesting that some aspects of immune function may be altered following the loss of work. A report suggested that separate incidents of unemployment may have long-term implications for future CRP level in young males. High levels of pro inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) are indicators of inflammation. In the current study using a sample of the Finnish general population we applied this suggestion to test our hypothesis formulated on the basis of current evidence. STUDY OF RELATION BETWEEN UNEMPLOYMENT AND ILL-HEALTH (LOCAL LEVEL) When we studied the pattern of relation between the unemployment level and health level, we came across that at local levels the things are similar. This means that people because of unemployed are under hypertension and depression. They could not face the situations in the increasing inflation in prices of even the local commodities. In 2009 due to the global recession in the world the countries were adversely PROPOSED METHODOLOGY We determined the inciting status in 225 individuals below the general retirement age of 65, when study was done on a sample of the Finnish general population as a part of an ongoing follow-up. In the sample there were 93 men and 132 women. The average age was 52.6 (SD 8.2, range: 32 64) years in men and 52.0 (SD 7.6, range 32-64) years in women and the study period starts from October 2004 up to April 2006. To conduct the study approval was obtained from the local Authority of the city so that there are no issues in context of the health survey. All the procedures of the study were carried out with the proper understanding of all the participants, who gave written informed permission before entering into the study. The participants completed a standardized questionnaire that screened socio demographic variables like sex, age, marital status, length of education. In the study they were also asked how often they consumed alcohol over the past twelve months. Which was classified as less OR more than twice a week, whether they were current daily smokers or not? And whether if they had physical diseases, got diagnosed by a doctor. The participants were also asked whether if they had any economic hardship during the previous twelve months? How is there current financial situation? (Good, fairly good = good financial situation, fairly poor, poor = economic hardship). To indicate the level of depressive symptoms the questionnaire also included the 21-item Beck Depression Inventory. In addition, the employment status was inquired by the participants and those who reported being unemployed (8.4% of the study sample) were compared with the others in final analyses. The frequency of unemployment was at the same level as the total unemployment rate in Finland in the sample during the study period of two years (7.7% in December 2004 and 7.6% in December 2005). 131 (63.6%) were at work, 14 (6.8%) on sick leave, 52 (25.2%) had retired, 3 (1.5%) were students and 6 (2.9%) were voluntarily not at work of the other studied participants. From all of studied participants, 25 (11.1%) had been unemployed in 1998, 31 (13.8%) in 1999 and 28 (12.4%) in 2001. The height and the body weight were also measured in light clothing without shoes, and the body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) was estimated. The laboratory measurements were carried out in the medical laboratory of Kuopio University Hospital. After having been instructed to fast for the previous 12 hours, the participants came for venous blood sampling at 8 am. The measurement of serum, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein was carried out according to a routine practice using a Kinetic Immunoturbidmetric Method and analyzed using an IMMAGE Immunochemistry System. The venous blood samples were stored at -80 °C until run, for the cytokine analyses. With Bio-Plex Human Cytokine Panel 1, the levels of IL-6 (pg/mL) were analyzed by multiplexing utilizing a Bio-Plex instrument based on Luminex xMAP technology. The samples were centrifuged for 15 min at 3000 rpm, before analyses and diluted 1:2 in an appropriate sample matrix. The intricacy and inters variations for the IL-6 analysis were 3.7-17.2% and 4.6-13.8% respectively. We used a pro-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) as indicators of low-grade inflammation as originally suggested by Yaffe et al. and later by Capuron et al. In this study, levels above the median for both IL-6 (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ 0.97 pg/mL) and hs-CRP (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ 1.49 mg/L) indicated an elevated inflammatory status (n = 72). In univariate analyses we used the à †¡2 test for categorical variables, Students t-test for normally distributed continuous variables and Mann-Whitney U-test for continuous variables with a skewed distribution. For IL-6 and hs-CRP linear regression models were tested separately. Inflammatory markers were also log-transformed for these analyses. Finally, several other forced multivariate logistic regression models were calculated just to test whether there were any independent associations between being and having been unemployed, and having a high inflammatory status. These models were socio demographically adjusted for sex, age, marital status, smoking, education, alcohol consumption, economic hardship, some common somatic diseases, the Beck Depression Inventory score, and the body mass index (BMI). PILOT OF METHOD The pilot of method means using various local methodologies to conduct the survey of the undergoing project. Using algorithm such as a greedy construction heuristic as a building block or application process, the pilot method is a meta-heuristic with the primary idea of performing repetition using the application process as a look ahead mechanism. It computes for every possible choice (or move) a so-called pilot solution, recording the best results in order to extend at the end of the iteration a so-called master solution with the corresponding move. One may apply this strategy by successively performing, e.g., a cheapest insertion heuristic for all possible local choices. The following is the questionnaire designed for the local people in order to make a survey to know what the condition is: THE LOCAL HEALTH AUTHORITY: SURVEY FOR FINDING THE IMPACT OF UNEMPLOYMENT ON THE HEALTH OF PEOPLE Are the facilities provided to unemployed people? Yes No Cant say anything Are you aware of the fact that unemployment is correlated to ill health of people? Yes No Do you read news regarding the suicides of people who are not employed? Very much aware Updated with the current knowledge No idea about the issue Have government took any steps regarding the matter? Yes No Cant say anything Are the unemployed covered under any act for providing them living? Yes there are acts Cant say anything in this matter Suicide cases and ill health is more in which age group? 16-25 30-40 45-55 All of the above Mental and ill health are more common in which gender? Males Females Both of the above
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Wall Street-Financial Markets and Management in Corporations: Examined :: Wall Street Film Movies Films Papers Business
Wall Street: Financial Markets and Management in Corporations The film Wall Street is a movie that portrays the corruptness that can exist on Wall Street. Bud Fox is trying to establish a name and a living for himself, and thus he has the endless task of trying to increase the number of clients that he represents. In the end he is taken by the prospect of becoming rich, and it would seem that to do this requires illegal actions, such as insider trading. It is quite amazing how this can, almost overnight, lead to great riches and power. Bud Fox was making an "honest" living; that is until he finally is able to establish a relationship with Gordon Gekko-a so-called financial wizard. While this film deals primarily with the concept of "Insider Trading" and how it affects the stocks and their values, I would like to present in this paper ideas and concepts that I learned in a previous class that extend beyond just the ideas of insider trading and expand more broadly to discuss the unethical problems that can occur within a corporation in general (not just on wall street), when there is separation of management and ownership. This is important to be aware of in a capitalist society where many people work for other people, and or are in charge of many other people as well. It constantly causes people to question the systems in place and what can be done to eliminate these potential problems and unethical actions. The ultimate test of corporate strategy is whether it creates economic value for shareholders. Yet there are quite a few problems which can arise and interfere with this agenda. The agency problem that arises from the separation of ownership and management in the modern corporation can lead to conflict between the objectives of owners and the objectives of managers. The manager's goal should be, and in fact the manager's job is, to maximize shareholder wealth. Managers work for the shareholders, since shareholders are essentially partial owners of the corporation that they have purchased stock in. Stockholders invest their money because they hope that the value of their investment will grow. They want to increase their wealth as much as possible. (Hickman 11) Unfortunately, claimants (shareholders) oftentimes have difficulty determining how well management is actually doing because of the existence of information asymmetry- in a sense lack of information.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Is Jesus God
Is Jesus God? Have you ever met a man who is the center of attention wherever he goes? Some mysterious, indefinable characteristic sets him apart from all other men. Well, that's the way it was two thousand years ago with Jesus Christ. But it wasn't merely Jesus' personality that captivated those who heard him. Those who witnessed his words and life tell us that something about Jesus of Nazareth was different from all other men. Jesus' only credentials were himself. He never wrote a book, commanded an rmy, held a political office, or owned property.He mostly traveled within a hundred miles of his village, attracting crowds who were amazed at his provocative words and stunning deeds. Yet Jesus' greatness was obvious to all those who saw and heard him. And while most great people eventually fade into history books, Jesus is still the focus of thousands of books and unparalleled media controversy. And much of that controversy revolves around the radical claims Jesus made about himselfâ € claims that astounded both his followers and his adversaries.It was primarily Jesus' unique claims that caused him to be viewed as a threat by both the Roman authorities and the Jewish hierarchy. Although he was an outsider with no credentials or political powerbase, within three years, Jesus changed the world for the next 20 centuries. Other moral and religious leaders have left an impact †but nothing like that unknown carpenter's son from Nazareth. What was it about Jesus Christ that made the difference? Was he merely a great man, or something more? These questions get to the heart of who Jesus really was.Some believe he was merely a great moral teacher; others believe he was simply the leader of the world's greatest religion. But many believe something far more. Christians believe that God has actually visited us in human form. And they believe the evidence backs that up. After carefully examining Jesus' life and words, former Cambridge professor and skeptic, C. S. Lew is, came to a startling conclusion about him that altered the course of his life. So who is the real Jesus? Many will answer that Jesus was a great moral teacher.As we take a deeper look at the world's most controversial person, we begin by asking: could Jesus have been merely a great moral teacher? Great Moral Teacher? Even those from other religions acknowledge that Jesus was a great moral teacher. Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi, spoke highly of Jesus' righteous life and profound words. [l] Likewise, Jewish scholar Joseph Klausner wrote, â€Å"It is universally admitted that Christ taught the purest and sublimest ethics which throws the moral precepts and maxims of the wisest men of antiquity far into the shade. â€Å"[2] Jesus'Sermon on the Mount has been called the most superlative teaching of human ethics ever uttered by an individual. In fact, much of what we know today as â€Å"equal rights†actually is the result of Jesus' teaching. Historian Will Durant, a non-Chris tian, said of Jesus that â€Å"he lived and struggled unremittingly for ‘equal rights'; in modern times he would have been sent to Siberia. ‘He that is greatest among you, let him be your Gandhi, have tried to separate Jesus' teaching on ethics from his claims about himself, believing that he was simply a great man who taught lofty moral principles.This was the approach of one of America's Founding Fathers, President Thomas Jefferson, who cut and pasted a copy of the New Testament, removing sections he thought referred to Jesus' deity, while leaving in other passages regarding Jesus' ethical and moral teaching. [4] Jefferson carried around his cut and pasted New Testament with him, revering Jesus as perhaps the greatest moral teacher of all time. In fact, Jefferson's memorable words in the Declaration of Independence were rooted in Jesus' teaching that
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantage of Total Instrument Operation
The first advantages is that total station can be a relatively cheap means of fast, high-precision measurements. -Total station needs line of site, but It does not need volleyball of the sky. Total station can be used Indoors, In a mine, or under tree cover that would not be suitable for GAPS measurement. -Third, total station Is suited to take ground measurements. Whereas GAPS Is best suited to grid or geodetic measurements, total station Is best at ground coordinates.Using GAPS to derive ground coordinates (and distance) requires use of an estimated call factor and a mathematic geode to approximate distances on the Earth's surface. -The final advantage to total station is that you don't necessarily need to occupy the point you are trying to measure. Using more advanced functions like offsets, resections, etc. You can measure a point indirectly though combinations of multiple angular and/or distance measures. Disadvantage -Firstly, line of sight is the principle disadvantage to opti cal measurement. GAPS does not need LOS. Secondly, (barring use of a robotic system) total station measurement requires at least a two person survey crew. GAPS only requires one person to survey. -Cumulative error is the third disadvantage. Human and machine error Is tattled with optical work. With each setup and stationing error is imparted to the measurements and subsequent setups and measurements accumulate the errors of previous setups. If you have a 5†³ gun, as much as 2. 5†³ of angular error Is Inherent to every shot. The error in gaps in not cumulative. Each shot has a â€Å"knowable†sphere of error that does not add up from shot to shot to shot. The final disadvantage Is that measurements are not geodetic. An estimated scale actor and correction for earth curvature Is necessary to make measurements relative to the ellipsoid, which Is the basis of the TM/State Plane grids. Advantages and Disadvantage of Total Instrument Operation By Bernardino -Total station needs line of site, but it does not need visibility of the sky. Total station can be used indoors, in a mine, or under tree cover that would not be suitable for -Third, total station is suited to take ground measurements. Whereas GAPS is best suited to grid or geodetic measurements, total station is best at ground coordinates.The final advantage to total station is that you don't necessarily need to occupy the point you are trying to measure. Using more advanced functions like offsets, -Cumulative error is the third disadvantage. Human and machine error is additive previous setups. If you have a 5†³ gun, as much as 2. 5†³ of angular error is inherent to -The final disadvantage is that measurements are not geodetic. An estimated scale factor and correction for earth curvature is necessary to make measurements relative to the ellipsoid, which is the basis of the TM/State Plane grids.
Predetermined Identity Essay
A reputation is the views or opinions that are generally held about someone or something. They are a widespread belief that someone or something has a particular habit or characteristic (dictionary. com). A reputation is impossible to remove. There are many reputations and judgments demonstrated in the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. People are prejudiced towards the fiend created by Victor Frankenstein. The monsters outward appearance assures the monster is not accepted into society. He is a completely functional creature with the ability to perform primal tasks. He has human capabilities, although his unusual appearance is shocking and sets him apart. Do everyone’s judgments of the monsters looks have an effect on his personality and behaviour? The author demonstrates that people’s outward appearance will determine their personality. This is established in the novel since at the beginning of the book; Fiend created by Frankenstein is a good person with feelings and empathy. As the story develops, he keeps experiencing judgment from many people including Victor, his creator, because of the way he looks. Everyone sends the fiend away and rejects him without even giving Dr. Frankenstein’s creation a chance. He ends up changing throughout the novel into the monster everyone expects him to be, by killing the various people in Victor’s life for revenge. At the beginning of the book, the fiend is in fact a reasonable person. When the fiend is created, he does nothing wrong to Victor. He does not harm in Victor any way because Victor had done nothing wrong to him. All he does is looks at him when he wakes up and his appearance was enough to make Victor leave him. The fiend was judged literally from the moment he was created. Furthermore, he observes a family that live in the middle of the forest in a cottage for months and does not lead to violent actions of any sort. He would observe them in hopes to maybe one day integrate himself with humans. At night, he would go collect fire wood and do work for the cottagers, in hopes that they would eventually accept him. When he decides to finally meet the people who live in the cottage, he is turned away. He was aware that he was capable of harming these strangers, although decides not to due to the fact that he knows it’s not right even if they were not the most accepting. Evidently, this creation that people labeled as a monster does have a heart and is capable of caring. â€Å"I could have torn him limb from limb, as the lion rends the antelope. But my heart within me as bitter sickness, and I refrained. I saw him on the point of repeating his blow, when, overcome with pain and anguish, I quitted the cottage, and in the general tumult escaped unperceived to my hovel†(136). It can be observed that fiend did care about those people even though they sent him away. He didn’t want to cause any trouble. All he wanted was to be accepted. He was a creation who started his life with decent intentions, but those would soon change. The fiend was constantly judged and abandoned when people saw him due to his appearance. He is a terrifying creature. He has yellow skin with lustrous black flowing hair, and pearly white teeth. His eyes are dun-white; he has a shrivelled complexion and straight black lips. He is also much bigger than any human. When he was given life, Victor runs away from him and neglects him. This quote shows that Victor had no intention on staying with the fiend because right when he was living, he ran away from it. [†¦] I escaped and rushed downstairs. [†¦] fearing each sound as if it were to announce the approach of the demoniacal corpse to which I had so miserably given life. â€Å" (49). This shows the complete horror that Victor had when he saw his creation, even if it did absolutely nothing wrong. Likewise, the cottage people are instantly terrified of him. They were scared because they ha ve never seen anything like him. When the fiend first goes into the cottage to meet them, a blind man answers the door. The fiend was able to talk to him without being judged and the older man enjoys his company, because he doesn’t know what he looks like. This is how it is obvious that based on his personality alone; the fiend is a good person and is able to function with humans. But when the rest of the family walked in and saw him, they went into panic and assumed the worst of him. He was never given a chance. â€Å"Who can describe their horror and consternation on beholding me? Agatha fainted, and Safie, unable to attend to her friend, rushed out of the cottage. †(136). This displays how fast they were to judge when they saw the creature. Because of his appearance, he would never be able to live a normal life. Being judged by so many people everywhere he went, it had an effect on the fiend. He started to become angry and resent his creator, Victor. He asks Victor to create a female so he can go live with her somewhere where no one would find them. When he agreed, he decided to destroy the female creation soon after. The fiend couldn’t deal with it anymore. All those negative experiences in his life, the creature had changed. He decided to start killing everyone close to Victor for revenge. He killed Victor’s brother, William, as well as his best friend Cleval and his love Elizabeth. He wanted Victor’s attention and he got it after just his first killing of Victor’s brother. It made the fiend’s creator very angry. But after Victor neglected the fiend for so long, the fiend started to make immoral decisions. â€Å"A flash of lightning illuminated the object and discovered its shape plainly to me; it’s gigantic stature, and the deformity of its aspect, more hideous than belongs to humanity, instantly informed me that it was the wretch, the filthy demon to whom I had given life. What did he there? Could he be (I shuddered at the conception) the murderer of my brother? †(69). Not only did the fiend kill Victor’s brother, but he stayed to watch his creator in pain, because he thinks that’s what Victor deserves. All his killings were in attempt to wound Victor and make him feel alone in the world, almost like what the fiend is feeling. Murdering someone’s family is immoral. He killed people around him just as society killed his spirit and identity. This shows that he clearly changed throughout the novel. It is evident that the author was trying to prove how people’s outward appearance will determine their personality. He reveals it by the change in the fiend’s personality after being constantly judged and neglected. At the beginning he was a nice person with morals, but at the end, he is an immoral monster. The author is right that people’s outward appearance will determine their personality because even now, people who are different are not as accepted in society. People are constantly being labeled and reputations are always being formed, whether they are true or not. People’s outward appearance has a huge effect on how people see you. This is why Dr. Frankenstein’s creation never stood a chance. Work cited SHELLEY, mary, Frankenstein, tom Doherty associates, LLC, united states of America, 1998, 236 pages
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Introduction to Multimedia and Design Assignment
Introduction to Multimedia and Design - Assignment Example Designing a logo is a multi-staged process that invokes the incorporation of various factors as discussed in the essay below. The process begins with the conception of the idea. This includes the identification of a need that justifies the development of the logo. The next stage is the collection of features of the company or organization to portray in the logo. The process if consultative as the designer consults the designer in order to determine the feature of the company to capture in the logo. Through the consultation, the designer considers the colors, shapes and images to incorporate in the logo. Organizations have corporate colors, which easily identifies them. The designer should determine the colors that would not only make the logo communicate but equally aesthetic. After the determination of the elements to incorporate in the design process, the next stage is sketching. This refers to the process of developing shapes for consideration. As the designer creates the shapes, he must consult the clients in order to determine the appropriate shapes. Additionally, the designer must carry out research in order to avert any cases of product similarity. Successive stages include the designing, proofing and final designing. The process is progressive with all the stages succeeding each other chronologically. As stated earlier, the design process is interactive owing to the need to satisfy the demands of various stakeholders associated with the finished products. In the design process, the designer assumes the position of various stakeholders including the target audience. As such, he must therefore consider the use of the various colors in a manner that will communicate and appeal to the specific publics. Among the demands encountered in the process of designing a logo include the need for uniqueness, creativity and relevant. Coupled with thee need to satisfy
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Offer and acceptance in english contract law Essay
Offer and acceptance in english contract law - Essay Example The agreement is one of the fundamental elements of a valid contract. It depicts the coming to terms of the parties to the contract through consensus over terms of a contract. The agreement is a product of existence of offer and acceptance. An offer is a promise made by one party to another in which the promisor intends to be bound by terms of his promise. Some of the elements of an offer include the intention to be bound by the offer if it is accepted, and the existence of terms that creates rights and liabilities in the event of acceptance. Acceptance on the other hand, refers to the promisee’s intent to be bound by the promisor’s terms of offer. Once an offer is accepted, an agreement is deemed to have existed between the parties forming ground for a contract. The offer and acceptance are however subject to a number of principles ... An advertisement is for example a presentation of information over the subject matter and only acts as an invitation to a customer to make an offer. In the case of Partridge v Crittenden (1968), the court held that an advertisement that indicated the price of goods in a vendor’s shop does not amount to an offer. Similarly, exhibition of goods for display does not amount to an offer. The owner of the goods is therefore not bound by the information displayed in an exhibition, as an offer for the good has not yet been made. Such was the ratio decidendi in the case of Pharmaceutical society of Great Britain v Boots cash chemists (1953). The defendant was accused of offering to sell commodities to the public contrary to prescriptions by regulatory bodies. It was held that the display of drugs on the shelf does not amount to an offer (Rush and Ottley, 2006, 47). Similarly, response to question for provision of information does not amount to an offer. This was held in the case of Har vey v Facey (1893) in which a defendant’s statement of the lowest price that could be accepted for sale of a piece of land was considered not to amount to an offer (Rush and Ottley, 2006, 48). The doctrine of invitation to treat is however exempted in some cases under which an advertisement can constitute an offer. In the case of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co Ltd (1893), it was held that the defendant’s advertisement amounted to an offer. The defendant stated in its advertisement that a reward would be offered to any person who contracted influenza after using its medicine as prescribed. The advertisement further indicated that money had been deposited for the rewards. The court, in its judgement, held
Monday, October 7, 2019
Collective Behavior and Social Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Collective Behavior and Social Change - Essay Example So, if a business company decides to modernize, interested community of people who are apt to get a job in the same company must gain the formal education as a credential fit for the jobs available. Conversely, some ideological link may hamper a society to adapt fully to innovations. For example, the use of internet has limitations to some sectors because of religious convictions in terms of moral standards. But, most schools today encourage students to utilize information technology to help them facilitate learning. As in the past, educational institutions were exclusive, either for whites only or for blacks only. Today, most schools no longer recognize race and color. (479-481) 3. Switch over of ideas, barter of technologies, and exchange of people, allows the flow of knowledge, technology, and people into many varied directions bringing about awareness, education and eventual social change after people realize the benefits of what had just been learned. (482) 4. Crowds are swarm of people gathered in a milieu as commonplace bystanders, usual spectators, but, can also be active partakers as in theatrical presentations, and expressive participants as in religious rites. This throng of people does not necessarily interact for deeper interpersonal relationships. Conversely, all these kinds of crowds taken together compose the aggregate group. (Scribd chapter7) 5. Bell-bottom blue-jeans were actually in for sometimes, replacing tight-fitting cowboy look. Living in one's own home also became a fad because in economics reality, it is not categorized as consumption, but, an investment which most people did not understand, but went with the crowd because it was the style. 6. Universally, people panic upon hearing news of an upcoming danger to human properties and lives like storm, fire, volcanic eruptions, war, foreclosures, bankruptcies, outbreak of infectious diseases etc. which are all beyond normal living conditions, and this is the usual reaction of an active kind of crowd. (484) 7. Leaders in social movements are the polarizing factors. They are usually persuasive and fluent at crafting a united stand, and clever at convincing people to supply time, money, place, etc, for the cause. (Chapter 18 491) 8. Relative deprivation theory means that the deficiency in life of people within a society is calculated from end to end evaluation of similarities and differences of lives and living conditions within the same society (Chapter 18 490). But, apparently, not every member of social movements is motivated by the same mental attitude because of individual differences which may be contributed by family backgrounds, education, and social exposures. 9. Reactionary social movements cling to what went before the present generation. They may be called the traditionalists who intend to keep white supremacy over everything considering the applicability of old cultural beliefs and idiosyncrasy. Conversely, the conservative social movements intend to preserve the current practices and strive to resists growth and developments (Chapter 18 491). 10. Arrays of civil rights movements come and go. Usually, they start conglomerating because of a prevailing problem which does not have a solution in sight. Then they band together and elect a polarizing individual to solidify their stand on the perceived
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Home Schooling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Home Schooling - Essay Example This essay approves that children who have gone through homeschooling have a high chance of suffering from social and religious extremism. This behavioral change makes it easy for extremist groups like terrorist organizations or gangs to recruit them. Home schooled children can potentially develop parallel societies whose standards do not fit in with the society. For example, atheists’ ideologies are always crossing paths with the rest of society. Most parents think that homeschooling is an effective way to save money, but it is not since they sacrifice the child`s education in the name of vacations and lavish lifestyles. Home schooled children also run the risk of sexual molestation. As parents sometimes leave their children with complete strangers, they may turn out to be pedophiles who prey on innocent children. These acts leave a permanent scar on the children, which may lead to depression and suicidal thoughts. An instance of the negatives of homeschooling is best illustrated as follows; there was a family in Atlanta, who decided to home school their six year old daughter since they did not believe in the state`s education system and curriculum. this report makes a conclusion that homeschooling should be abolished since its negative effects outweigh the positive ones. There is no basis of having a learning system that produces incompetent students who have no social skills. Children need to play and mingle together, and not be included in their parents` insecurities.
Friday, October 4, 2019
Retake exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Retake exam - Essay Example However, increased activity leads to opening of air passages for more air. This leads to bronchodilation. 23. An infant born prior to 32 weeks gestation is likely to suffer from respiratory distress, a condition in which following the first breath the child is unable to re-inflate the lungs. What product is normally produced by the lungs to keep the lungs from collapsing upon themselves? 24. At about 34 weeks gestation specialized cells within the lungs begin to produce a lipid-rich detergent-like fluid that aids in maintaining inflation of the lungs. What cell are responsible for producing the fluids Compliance affects the expansion of the lung and hence only affects inspiration as reduced oxygen enters the lung. Expiration is not affected. Inspiration is only affected as the lung gets stiffer making it difficult for acquisition of oxygen. The law shows that indirect proportionality does not exist between gas and partial pressure. However, the law states that a gas that dissolves in any given liquid directly relates to the partial pressure. Breathing is a crucial process in human. In human, the action involves breathing in and out. This is accomplished due to the variation in pressure within the thorax as compared to the outside. The process also requires the use of muscles. The most essential muscles for the process are intercostals muscles located between the ribs (â€Å"Mechanism of Breathing 1†). Once human inhale the muscles and diaphragm contacts to expand the chest capacity. This causes the diaphragm to flatten. As a result, it moves downwards, and the intercostals muscles move the rib cage upwards and out. This significantly alters the air pressure. The increase in size leads to a reduction in the internal air pressure (â€Å"Mechanism of Breathing 1†). On the other hand, air from the outside moves into the lungs to equalize the pressures. In exhaling, the reverse takes place. The diaphragm together with the muscles relaxes
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