Saturday, December 28, 2019
How Personal Are Your Relationships - 940 Words
How Personal Are Your Relationships? 1. Complete the â€Å"How Personal Are Your Relationships†Questions. For the purposes of this exercise, be sure to list several people who are close to you. 1. Make a list of several people who are close to you (e.g. family members, people you live with, friends, coworkers, and so on) a) My brother b) My father c) My high school friend 2. Use a scale (from 1-5) that follow to rate each relationship. My brother a) Uniqueness 5 b) Replace ability 5 c) Dependence 3 d) Disclosure 5 e) Intrinsic rewards 5 My father a) Uniqueness 5 b) Replace ability 5 c) Dependence 4 d) Disclosure 4 e) Intrinsic rewards 5 My high school friend a) Uniqueness 5 b) Replace ability 3 c) Dependence 3 d) Disclosure 3 e) Intrinsic rewards 4 3. Consider comparing your results with your classmates or friends. 4. After completing the questions, ask yourself the important question: How satisfied are you with the answers you found? Uniqueness 1 (Standardized, habitual) 2 3 4 5 (Unique) Replaceability 1 (Replaceable) 2 3 4 5 (Irreplaceable) Dependence 1 (Independent) 2 3 4 5 (Interdependent) Disclosure 1 (Low disclosure) 2 3 4 5 (High disclosure) Intrinsic Rewards 1 (Unrewarding) 2 3 4 5 (Rewarding) 2. For each person, be sure to use the scales to evaluate how personal your relationships are. MyShow MoreRelatedA Personal Relationship With Jesus1520 Words  | 7 Pageshe Origin of a Personal Relationship Concept â€Å"Personal relationship with Jesus.†Being an Atheist, I’ve had hundreds of arguments with Christians about Jesus and religion in general. No matter what evidence I provided, the Christian always seemed to bypass it with the Personal relationship cop out. They would tell me they don’t practice religion, and that they have a personal relationship with Jesus. 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