Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Divorce Causes in the United States Essay - 523 Words
According to Websters dictionary â€Å"marriage is an institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family.†Marriages dont always last in divorce. Some spouses are unable to maintain or keep their relationship, so they divorce. when any couple wants to get married they should have something in common and share the same values, religion, beliefs or interest , so that they can minimize bad ending as break up .Divorce has physical and mental health effects especially on children and women and it can affect the whole society. Divorce between parents can be disastrous and painful on children. The children in a divorcing family know that many things†¦show more content†¦Divorce has a deep impact on women. The divorce can leave women feeling depressed, tired, not confident or assured, and sometime hopeless. Sometimes women can lose their self-esteem and instead, have a sense of inse curity and guilt. They start to blame themselves. How the community looks at divorced women is the most painful thing, because they usually put the blame on women. This may cause them to avoid people and maybe isolate themselves .However some women look at divorce in positive way .They think that divorce is the end of a miserable, unhappy and uncomfortable marriage. Divorce is not a good thing. It usually impacts our health in negative way. Yale research concluded that, â€Å"being divorced and a non smoker are only slightly less dangerous than smoking a pack a day and staying married. â€Å"After some research on cancer they discovered that married people are more likely to recover more than divorced and the emotional trauma of divorce has an impact on the physical health of the body. Divorce impacts whole society so that, many religions are against divorce. For example, ISLAM disapproves of divorce. Even though it is allowed, it must be the last solution because divorce not only affect on the couple or their children, but also the whole society. If there are a lot of divorces in a community, it means they dont have strong bonds or relationships among the people. Divorce makes people lose confidence in marriage andShow MoreRelatedDivorce Rate Of The United States1021 Words  | 5 PagesDivorce Rate As human civilization advances, the more tolerant society has become to behaviors that used to be regarded as appalling and immoral. One of these behaviors is becoming divorced. According to a recent guidebook for couples who are in the midst of a divorce or considering divorce, 70% of Americans believe that divorce is a morally acceptable choice (Hawkins, 2009). 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